1953-10-01 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 10/01/1953 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Philip Rowe, John C. Birmingham, Russell P. Brown, Saul J. Cagan, Louisa V. Conrad, Dorothy Cook, and Carl Zeilon Board members absent: W. Lincoln Boyden, Jr., and Lawrence E. Foster Others present: Recorder: Marion A. Brown Beverly, October 1, 1953 A meeting of the Board of Trustees was held at the Library on Thursday, October 1, 1953 at 7:30 P.M. with all members present except Mr. Boyden and Mr. Foster. Since there would be no quorum for the regular September meeting, the Chairman called a meeting for October 1. As the regular October meeting would be very dose to this present meeting, it was voted not to meet again until the regular meeting in November. The records of the meeting of June 18m, with a special meeting of August 20 were approved as read, as was the report of the Finance Committee giving a summary of expenditures and balances. For the Administration Committee Mr. Rowe presented the Survey made by Willard Thompson, a disinterested lighting engineer. As this survey suggested a different type of fixture, after a long discussion, Mrs. Conrad explained that the already purchased Lightolier fixtures might possibly be exchanged for a fixture similar to those recommended by the Survey and she would contact the Lightolier Representative. It was than decided to hold a meeting of the Administration Committee, if possible to be called for Thursday A.M. Oct. 8 at 9 o'clock at the Library to meet with the Lightolier Rep. to make a definite decision about the fixtures. At this meeting it was also suggested that a visit to the Farms to inspect a bad crack in the ceiling, and also to try and complete the hardware project for rear door of Central Library. As to the installation of the lights it was suggested that the Administration Committee contact the new incoming City Electrician hoping that he might co-operate. Voted: To purchase a new awning to replace one that is badly worn. Voted To speed up the project of the Collins Fence to be put up at the Farms. Voted to spend from Care of Grounds up to the amount of $75 for loam to be dumped and spread at Farms Branch. This amount to include grass seed to be planted by janitors. Mr. Birmingham brought up the situation of the crowded conditions in the Reference Room. During the week of September 21 approximately 400 students were trying to use the present small Reference Room. It was voted that the Administration Cornre. be authorized to spend up to $300 toward putting the downstairs room in order for a Study and Reference Room for students. Have the outside doors rehung, the heating taken care of as well as installing some new lights. It was voted by Circulation Comm to give June Picketing the 1954 magazine subscription, with a few exceptions, and to give the Subscriptions for newspapers to New England News Co. Voted: Finance Committee meet on Thursday, Oct 29 at 7:30 to discuss the 1954 Budget and also obtain figures for converting to oil from Booma Breed, Girdlet, Goldberg and Picketing. Voted: For the remainder of the year to pay Miss Prince for the actual time that she works as she is unable to work the required hours. Voted: Beverly Color Photo Club, formerly Noah Shore Cine Crafters, and Beverly Credit Union have the use of Library Hall for their meetings. The report of the Circulation Committee (450 books purchased, 279j) as read and placed on file. The Librarian' s Report giving details of circulation and registration was read and placed on file. The meeting was then adjourned. Adjourned Marion A. Brown Clerk