1953-08-20 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 08/20/1953
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Philip Rowe, John C. Birmingham, Russell P. Brown, W. Lincoln
Boyden, Jr., Saul J. Cagan, Louisa V. Conrad, Dorothy Cook, and Carl Zeilon
Board members absent: Lawrence E. Foster
Others present:
Recorder: Marion A. Brown
Beverly, August 20, 1953
A Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees was called for Thursday, Aug. 20, 1953 at 7:30,
Present were Mr. Rowe, Mrs. Conrad, Mrs. Cook, Messrs. Zeilon, Brown, Cagan, Birmingham and
The purpose of this meeting was to clarify the situation as to the improved lighting for the
Main Library. The City Electrician definitely refused to install the type of fixture that was purchased
and stated that he had no men and would take no part toward doing the work. A vote was made for
lVlrs. Conrad and Mr. Boyden to consult with Mr. Greenlaw. After further discussion the feeling was
that it would not be advisable to meet with him henceforth the vote was withdrawn.
A final decision was for Mr. Boyden to interview a disinterested lighting engineer (Willard
Thompson) to determine whether the purchased fixtures would give adequate light and satisfactory
service, and a letter or report in writing obtained from the engineer to that effect.
Marion A Brown