1953-05-21 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 05/21/1953
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Philip Rowe, John C. Birmingham, Russell P. Brown, Saul I. Cagan,
Louisa V. Conrad, Dorothy Cook, and Carl Zeilon
Board members absent: W. Lincoln Boyden, Jr., and Lawrence E. Foster
Others present:
Recorder: Marion A. Brown
Beverly, May 21, 1953
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held at the Library on May 21, at 7:30 P.M.
There were present of the Trustees: Mrs. Conrad, Mrs. Cook, Messrs. Rowe, Brown, Cagan,
Birmingham and Zeilon.
The Secretary' s records of the meeting of April 16 were read and approved.
The report of the Finance Committee, giving a summary of expenditures and balances for the
first five months of the year was read and placed on file.
For the Administration Committee Mr. Rowe reported that the money had been appropriated
for the lights and painting of the Reading Rooms at the Main Library, the work to begin soon. Mrs.
Conrad reported that she has seen the lights at the Salem Public Library which Mr. Greenlaw had
recommended for this building and she felt that they are not exactly suitable for Beverly. Mr. Rowe
reported that the sign and the skylight curtain are completed and would be delivered soon. A report
of no progress was made as to the link fence at Beverly Farms and the hardware for the rear door of
the Main Library.
A question was brought us as to using the Winter St. lot for a parking area but it was decided
to give this matter further consideration.
As to the request of Mr. Start King, Supt. of Schools for space at the Main Library for a
Classroom it was voted that there is no suitable space. The Trustees have worked hard to get the
Document Room ready for a High School reference room, to be used in Sept. and they feel that the
space is not suitable for a Classroom, also the conflict in hours would be difficult to adjust.
Mrs. Conrad reported that the Farms Improvement Society was very upset as to the condition
of the grounds around the Library. It was voted to give Mrs. Conrad authorization to have the
grounds cleared up and put in order the grass cut and the expense to come from "Care of Grounds."
The matter of the janitor for the Farms Branch was brought up but no definite action was
taken as to Mr. Gordon who is unable to be at the library during opening hours and as to Mr. Plegge
who is also on the C.S. list. It was suggested that a change be made: - the janitors at the Central
Library be given longer hours and an increase in pay and that they work both at Central and the Farms
Branch. It was left for Mr. Brown to contact Mr. Clark and consult with Mr. Seardon and Miss
Linehan at City Hall as to the proper channels to make this change if possible.
Mr. Zeilon reported that he had interviewed the Conti Flower Shop at North Beverly as to
a suggested change in the Branch location and would have some definite information in a few days.
The Circulation Committee reported the purchase of 241 new titles and the acceptance of 9
The Librarian's report was then presented showing a total increase in circulation for the year
to date of 9,240, these details of circulation and registration were placed on file. At the request of
the Librarian it was voted to pay Miss Prince, Children's Librarian, for a month, as she is in the
hospital because of a severe heart condition. If necessary further action would be taken at the June
Voted to adjourn
Marion A. Brown