1945-03-29 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 03/29/1945
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Thomas F. Delaney, John C. Birmingham, and Robert O. Small
Board members absent: W. Lincoln Boyden~ Jr., Thomas J. Casey, William A. Rowe, Louisa L.
Vaughan and B. Frederick Yoffa
Others present:
Recorder: Marjorie H. Stanton
Beverly, March 29, 1945
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held at the Library on Thursday, March 29,
at 7:30 P.M., with Messrs. Delaney, Birmingham and Small in attendance.
Since this was not a quorum, all action was taken subject to ratification at the next meeting
of the Board.
The records of the previous meeting were read and approved, as was the report of the Finance
Committee giving a summary of expenditures and balances to date.
The Circulation reported the purchase of 380 new books, and the receipt of one gift. This
was approved.
The report of the Librarian was read and placed on file.
Mr. Birmingham, who had been asked to look into the advisability of revising the By-laws of
the Library, reported that in his opinion it would be wise to give further study to the subject before
making any definite decisions; and Miss Startton was asked to bring in to the next meeting a copy of
any amendments that might have been voted by the Trustees since the last set of By-laws and
amendments were compiled.
The question would be discussed further at the next meeting of the Board.
A letter was received from enclosing a check for five hundred dollars under the will of
Miss Katharine P. Loring - this sum to be added to the Elizabeth P. Sohier Fund.
The Secretary was instructed to write Miss E. Louise Jones of the State Library Commission
for advice as to the best methods of filing an application for consideration of the erection of the new
Children's Building as a postwar project.
Marjorie H. Stanton