1919-29-03 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 03/29/1919 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Charles H. Henderson, Joseph C. Kilham, Katharine P. Loring, Helen L. Marsters, and Louis D. Webber Board members absent: William R. Driver, Florence W. Braden, Lawrence A. Ford, and Elizabeth P. Sohier Others present: Recorder: Charles H. Henderson Beverly March 29th 1919 Regular meeting of Board of Trustees at the Library Building. Meeting called to order at 3:30 P.M. by Mr. Webber - acting chairman. Those present were Misses Loring and Marsters, Messrs. Kilham, Webber and Henderson. Records of last meeting read & apr'd. Circulation Com: reported purchase of 24 titles & 4 gifts - Report accepted. Finance Com: made monthly report and same was accepted. The Librarian made report for Feb. as follows Main Library 7000 No Beverly Br. 334 Centerville Br. 98 7432 Registration 69 New names 28 Renewals 97 Pamphlets have been received from Government, State, Societies & Individuals. Six magazines have been taken from tables in reading room also some mutilation of encyclopedias in Reference room - Report accepted. Voted - that the salary of Librarian increased 5% and salaries of assistants 10% - the same to date from April 1st 1919. The matter of roof repairs was again discussed and it was the opinion of the Board that the expense incurred in this direction would require an extra appropriation from the City. Mr. Webber reported that while the work was such that no contractor would name a price, still it would be safe to figure a probable expense of at least $600.00 Mr. Webber was given authority to go ahead with above work. Voted to adjourn C. H. Henderson Secty