1895-02-02 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 02/02/1895
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Joseph D. Tuck, Charles L. Dodge, William R. Driver, Edward L.
Giddings, and George E. Woodberry
Board members absent: Rev. Daniel D. Addison
Others present:
Recorder: Charles L. Dodge
Beverly Feb 2d 1895
The trustees held their regular monthly meeting.
Messrs. Tuck, Giddings, Driver and Dodge present. Also Mr. Woodberry.
On motion of Mr. Woodberry it was
Voted That the report of the Librarian and Trustees be taken from the table.
On motion of Mr. Woodberry, it was Voted The above report together with the Treasurer's
be accepted and that the Secretary be authorized to forward them to the City Clerk for publication
in the Annual report.
Charles L. Dodge