1889-06-08 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 08/06/1889 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Joseph D. Tuck, William R. Driver, Edward L. Giddings, and Franklin Leach Board members absent: William C. Boyden Others present: Recorder: Franklin Leach Aug. 6th 1889 The Board met at the usual time. A draft was drawn on the Selectmen for Five Hundred Dollars. Mr. Leach was chosen a committee to effect insurance on the paper purchased for a catalogue. The following amendments to the Pules and regulations were adopted. Article 1 was altered to read as follows "The Library will be open for the delivery of books everyday from two to five o'elock in the afternoon and with the exception of Sundays, Legal Holidays and during the month of July, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings from seven to nine o'dock." Article 8. All Books are required to be returned to the Library on or before the thirteenth day of June under penalty of a fine of fii~y cents; but reasonable public notice shall be given by the Librarian. Article 4. The word volume shall be used instead of cover, and the last two lines shall read "The fine for the retention of any volume beyond the specified time shall be one cent for each and every day it is so retained." Article 13. Books of Reference and those deemed by the Trustees unsuited for general circulation shall not be loaned except by the permission of two or more of the Trustees. Present Messrs. Tuck, Giddings, Leach & Driver. (Mr. Tuck chairman) Adjourned.