1889-09-01 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 01/09/1889
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: William C. Boyden, William R. Driver, Edward L. Giddings, Franklin
Leach, and Joseph D. Tuck
Board members absent:
Others present:
Recorder: Franklin Leach
Jan. 9th 1889
It was voted this evening to open the Library for the delivery of books on Tuesday and
Thursday evenings as well as Saturday, commencing the first Tuesday in February next, the Librarian
to be paid for her services one dollar per week additional to her presem Salary and assistants at the
rate of service. This arrangement to be in effect until the first Tuesday in May.
The Committee on Rooms was requested to purchase a new table for reading purposes. It was
also voted to ask at the Annual Town Meeting for one half of the money received from Dog Licenses
and to add "Harpers Weekly" to our list of serials.
The meeting then dissolved.
Present Messrs. Boyden, Tuck, Giddings & Leach & Driver.