1904-30-07 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 07/30/1904 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: William R. Driver, Rev. Benjamin R. Bulkeley, Charles L. Dodge, Joseph C. Kilham, Katharine P. Loring, and George E. Woodberry Board members absent: Allen H. Bennett, Elizabeth P. Soblet, Louis D. Webber, Others present: Recorder: Charles L. Dodge Beverly July 30th 1904 The regular meeting oFthe Trustees occurred on the above date. Present Miss Loring, Messrs. Driver, Woodberry, Bulkeley, Kilham & Dodge. The records oFthe last meeting were read and approved. Voted That the report oFthe committee on circulation with reference to 32 titles present and 1 not present, be accepted and adopted. Voted To add "The Rudder" and the American Museum Journal to our list oF magazines. Voted That the committee on branches be empowered to make more Frequent delivery oFbooks at the branches iF desirable. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. Charles L. Dodge Secretary The committee on circulation replaced 2 1 books. No action required.