1905-24-06 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 06/24/1905
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: William R. Driver, Rev. Benjamin R. Bulkeley, Charles L. Dodge,
Katharine P. Loring, Elizabeth P. Soblet, and Louis D. Webber
Board members absent: Allen H. Bennett, Joseph C. Kilham, and George E. Woodberry
Others present:
Recorder: Charles L. Dodge
Beverly June 24 1905
The regular meeting of the Trustees occurred on the above date.
Present Miss Loring, Miss Sohier and Messrs. Driver, Bulkeley, Webber & Dodge.
The records of the last meeting were read and approved.
Voted That the report of the committee on circulation with reference to 21 titles present and 12 to
18 not present, be accepted and adopted.
Voted That Miss Loring be authorized to purchase 5 books on the Tobbard Inn plan for the Farms
Branch, the expense not exceed 6.00.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Charles L. Dodge