1897-19-06 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 06/19/1897
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: William R. Driver, Charles L. Dodge, Edward L. Giddings, Katharine P.
Loring, Joseph D. Tuck, and George E. Woodberry
Board members absent: Joseph S. Baker, Allen H. Bennett, and Elizabeth P. Sohier
Others present:
Recorder: Charles L. Dodge
June 19th 1897
A special meeting of the Trustees was held upon the above date at 4 o'clock P.M.
Present Messrs. Driver, Tuck, Woodberry, Giddings, Dodge and Miss Loring
President in the chair.
The records of the last meeting were read and approved.
The subject of re-cataloguing was brought up for consideration.
On motion of Mr. Giddings, it was
Voted That a committee of three (3) be appointed by the chair with full power to prepare and have
printed a catalogue.
The chair appointed the following as the committee:
Mr. Geo. E. Woodberry
Miss Katharine P. Loring
and Charles L. Dodge
On motion of Mr. Giddings, it was
Voted That the same committee be empowered to discard and replace at their discretion such books
as they may deem expedient.
On motion of Mr. Woodberry, it was
Voted That the library be closed for two weeks beginning June 27th for the purpose of examining and
re-arranging the books.
On motion of the Secretary, it was
Voted That the librarians at the main library each have two weeks vacation aside from the period of
closing, at such time as they may agree upon.
On motion of Mr. Giddings, it was Voted The subject of salaries be especially assigned for
consideration at the next regular meeting.
Charles L. Dodge