1896-11-07 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 07/11/1896 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Joseph D. Tuck, Joseph S. Baker, Charles L. Dodge, William P,. Driver, Katharine P. Loring, Elizabeth P. Sohier, end George E. Woodberry Board members absent: Allen H. Bennett, end Edward L. Giddings Others present: Recorder: Charles L. Dodge Beverly July 11th 1896 The regular monthly meeting of the Trustees was held this evening instead of the evening of the fourth that being the National Holiday. Present Messrs. Tuck, Woodberry, Driver, Baker, Dodge and Misses Sohler and Loring. The records of the previous meeting were read end approved. The fifth Article was then taken from the table end amended by adding the following "exclusive of Juvenile books, subject to the approval of the board." which was adopted. It was voted that a sub-committee of three (3) be appointed to consider the question of introducing juvenile literature, end submit lists end plens. The president announced the committee to consist of Mr. Woodberry, Misses Sohler end Loring. On motion of Mr. Driver, it was Voted That the finance committee be requested to report at the next meeting the condition of the finances. On motion of Mr. Driver, it was Voted That the matter of the Beverly Farms Breneh as per the report of Miss Loring on repairs etc. be referred to the committee on administration. On motion of Mr. Woodberry, it was Voted That the times of closing the Beverly Farms Brench be extended an additional week (July 22) in order to complete the cataloguing end re-arrenging of books. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. Charles L. Dodge Secretary