1914-28-02 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 02/28/1914
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: William R. Driver, Rev. Benjamin R. Bulkeley, Charles L. Dodge,
Joseph C. Kilham, and Louis D. Webber
Board members absent: Katharine P. Loring, Elizabeth P. Sohier, and George E. Woodberry
Others present:
Recorder: Charles L. Dodge
Beverly Feb. 28th 1914
The regular meeting of the Trustees was held Sat. Feb. 28th @ 3:30 o'clock.
Present Messrs. Driver, Kilham, Bulkeley, Webber and Dodge.
Voted To accept the report of Mr. Bulkeley for the committee on circulation with reference to 55
titles present with others ordered including March's Thesaurus.
Voted That the chairman of the Board of Trustees be and is hereby authorized to draw from time to
time such portion of the accumulated income of the several trust funds held for the use of the Library
as he may think proper. This income to be used for the purposes of the Library at the discretion of
the Board. Miss Loring in a note dated Feb. 17, 1914 states that Mr. Cole a Trustee of the Wenham
Public Library and school inspector is going to petition, asking that Wenham pupils attending the
Beverly High School may take out books at our Library, and trusts this Board will see their way
clear to allow this, as she understands the Legislature is about to pass a law making this action within
our legal rights, accepted and placed on file pending further information.
A communication from the American Library Assn. received and placed on file.
Voted To accept the report of the finance committee with reference to the salary of Miss Elsie
Woodbury that it be established at $350.00 per year.
Charles L. Dodge