1910-31-12 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 12/31/1910
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: William R. Driver, Rev. Benjamin R. Bulkeley, Charles L. Dodge,
Joseph C. Kilham, Katharine P. Loring, Elizabeth P. Sohier, Louis D. Webber
Board members absent: Allen H. Bennett, and George E. Woodberry
Others present:
Recorder: Charles L. Dodge
Beverly Dec 31st 1910
The regular meeting of the Trustees occurred on the above date.
Present Misses Loring and Sohier, Messrs. Driver, Kilham, Bulkeley, Webber and Dodge.
The record do the last meeting was read and approved.
Voted That we accept the report of the committee on circulation with reference to 39 titles approved
with, 40 additional to be added later.
Voted To accept the report of the committee on circulation with reference tot eh hours of labor for
the librarian and assistants, and that the details of the schedule be left with this committee
as proposed by Miss Loring.
Voted That Miss Loring write the report of the Trustees for 1910.
Voted To accept so much of the report of the Trustees as read by Miss Loring and that it be referred
back for completion in some of its details.
Voted That Messrs. Kilham and Webber constitute a committee to investigate and report on the
advisability of asking for the use of the abandoned Council Chambers, in place of the rooms
in the Endicott Building.
Charles L. Dodge