1958-01-23City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 01/23/1958 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Louisa V. Conrad, Saul J. Cagan, Thomas J. Casey, Dorothy Cook, Bruce Lancaster, Frederick Pierce, Carolyn Standley, and Thomas J. Toomey Board members absent: Russell P. Brown Others present: Recorder: Marion A. Brown Thursday, January 23, 1958 The regular meeting of the Board was held at the Library on the above date at 7:30 P.M. Mrs. Conrad presided. Present were Miss Standley, Mrs. Cook, Mr. Cagan, Pierce, Lancaster, Toomey and Casey. The records of the last meeting were approved as read. Since no word had been received as to the Budget for 1958 the Finance Committee could make no report beyond giving the 1957 balances. Before the report of the Administration Committee a letter was read from Mrs. Cynthia Symonds applying for the job made vacant because of the resignation of Mrs. McManus. It was voted to appoint Mrs. Symonds for a trial period, provisionally, until June 30 at the rate of $2,550 per year to start as of Monday, Jan. 27, 1958. At Mrs. Palmer's request it was voted to pay her car insurance as usual. To allow West Beach Corp. and Farms-Prides Association the use of Beverly Farms Hall the nights of February 7 and the 17th. The Circulation Committee reported the purchase of 295 books and 21 gifts. The report of the Librarian giving details of activities to the end of 1957 were read and placed on file. The coming National Library Week: March 16-22 was discussed. Programs were presented and suggestions made and it was felt that Mayor Wickers should be the Honorary Chairman and secure a Citizens Chairman possibly Mr. Harold Racow to spend $15 from Trust Funds for promotion aide. As there is to be given a Library Science Course at Sever Hall, Harvard Univ. Thursday evenings for 15 weeks to send 4 Staff members as auditors at $22.50 each and charge to Trust Funds. The yearly report of the Trustees and Librarian were read and accepted and got ready to send to the City Government as soon as possible. Mr. Toomey reported for the Administration Comities reading his report to date on all o the activities of the Building Commission.. As for the Chairman of the Board to sit in on the Trust Funds Commission Mr. Cagan & Mr. Casey would approach City Solicitor Joslin. Miss Standley, Chairman for the Sub-Committee read their report on Saturday opening all day. Mr. Cagan discussed the hours of the Swampscott Public Library and many expressed that it might be convenient to many if there could be a change in the present set-up. After more discussion Mr. Cagan suggested that a further study should be made. It was voted to accept the report of the Sub-Committee with one dissenting vote (Mr. Casey) and the majority voted to send a letter to the Aldermen by the full Board of Trustees. The report is herein on file. It was decided that the subject be tabled until next meeting and get more material in chronological order on when the Library first closed at these hours. Adjourned at 9:40 Marion A. Brown, Clerk January 23, 1958 REPORT TO: Beverly Public Library Board of Trustees At the regular meeting of the Trustees on Dec. 19, 1957 the following motion was made and unanimously adopted: "That a sub-committee be appointed by the Chairman to make a thorough study of the Aldermen's request to have the Library remain open on Saturday until 6 p.m. and that a report be made to the full Board of Trustees at the January meeting." The Sub-Committee was named by the Chairman as follows: Chr. Miss Standley Mrs. Cook Mr. Lancaster Mr. Pierce A meeting of this special committee was called by its Chairman on Jan. 14, 1958 and all members were present with the exception of Mr. Pierce who forwarded his prepared opinion in writing for the benefit of the rest at the request of Miss Standley. In preparation for the meetings samplings were taken by the members, the present schedule of the Staff was studied, information was requested from the Chief Librarian re present procedure, and the High School Librarian was interviewed. After considerable discussion the following conclusions were reached: 1. Since the hour of closing on Saturday at noon has remained the same since 1947 (a ten year period) with little or no complaint and 2. Since 6 additional hours weekly would up the costs of maintenance ex. heat, light, janitor service etc. 3. Since the employees are already working a full 35 hour week like other City employees of comparable status and 4. Since our budget allows for no overtime compensation even in the event that Employees were willing to serve and 5. Since it appears (on the authority of two persons in the field of education) that Saturday is the day for Student recreation and for the finding of employment. the Sub-committee concludes that it would at this time be improvident, unwise,-- and unnecessary to change the present Library schedule. The Sub-committee recommends: 1. That a letter be sent to the Aldermen by the full Board of Trustees stating to the effect that after careful study it seems inadvisable to make any change in the present Library schedule at this time. 2. That the letter be sent after such time as our budgetary needs are secured. Respectfully submitted: Sub-Committee for Special Study Mrs. Dorothy Cook Mr. Bruce Lancaster Mr. Frederick Pierce Miss Carolyn Standley, Chr.