1929-31-01City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 01/31/29 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Katharine P. Loring, Thomas F. Delaney, Rev. Clarence S. Pond, Fred H. Porter, William A. Rowe, and Robert O. Small Board members absent: Caleb B. Hood, Helen L. Marsters, and Marian P. Motley, Others present: Recorder: Marjorie H. Stanton Beverly, January 3 1st 1929 Regular meeting of the Trustees of the Beverly Public Library was held at the Library on Thursday, January 31st, at 4 P.M. There were present of the Board: Miss Loring, Messrs. Small, Rowe, Delaney, Porter and Pond. The records of the meeting of December 27, 1928, were read and approved, with on correction: - that the item of salaries in the budget requested for 1929 read $17,833.80, instead of $17,858.80 - this making the total $29, 383.80 and one half the dog tax. Mr. Small presented the report of the Finance Committee: a. The budget as corrected b. Public Library Trust Fund as available J.W. Lefavour fund Ebenezer Ray fund Sohier fund National Bank Interest (Including balance of 399.41 ) $3,258.43 805.36 412.50 3.94 4,879.64 Voted: To accept this report Voted: To accept the report of the Librarian and place the same on file. The Committee on Circulation recommended the purchase of 80 books and the receipt of 32 books and 12 magazines as gifts. Voted: To accept the recommendation and to extend the thanks of the Trustees for the gifts received. Voted: That the sum of $500 be set aside from the Trust Funds for lectures, Extension courses and Convention expenses. In an informal discussion of the question of budgeting the book money from the Trust Funds and the City Appropriation, it was the opinion of the Board that the Circulation Committee and the Librarian should budget three-fourths of the finds available for this purpose. Voted: to proceed to the organization of the Board. Miss Katharine P. Loring was unanimously elected Chairman for the year. It was moved that Miss Stanton, the Librarian, be elected Secretary of the Board, and the Secretary pro tem was instructed to cost one ballot for Miss Stanton. This motion was carried. Voted: To accept the Chairman's appointment of the following Committees for 1929: - Voted: To adjourn Adjourned Marjorie H. Stanton, Secretary