1926-03-27City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 03/27/1926 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Thomas F. Delaney, Caleb B. Hood, Helen L. Marsters, Rev. Clarence S. Pond, Fred H. Porter, William A. Rowe, Robert O. Small, and Elizabeth P. Sohier Board members absent: Katharine P. Loring, Others present: Recorder: Marjorie H. Stanton Beverly March 27, 1926 Regular meeting of the Trustees of the Beverly Public Library was held at the Library on Saturday the 27th of March 1926 at 3:30 P.M. There were present of the Board. Misses Sohier and Marsters, Messrs. Small, Hood, Delaney, Rowe, Pond, and Porter. Mr. Small was elected chairman Pro Tem. The records of the meeting of February 27, 1926 were read and approved. Mr. Small reported the Budget allowed by the City for 1926. $14,875.80 Salaries 7, 877.82 Maintenance Voted: To adopt the amended form as presented by Mr. Small for the monthly report of the financial condition of the library. Voted: To accept the Librarian' s report to date and place same on file. Voted: That the Committee on Branches report on a later date regarding the Farms Branch being kept open on Saturday mornings. Voted: To pay Mrs. Decima I. Doyle up to the day, March 23, 1926 on which she left the employ of the Library. Voted: That the Chairman pro tem appoint a Special Committee of three, co-operating with the Chairman of the Board and the Librarian, to consider re-organization of the Staff, including the matter of salary accruement and report at the next meeting. The Chair appointed Miss Marsters, Mr. Porter and Mr. Delaney. Mr. Porter reported that the custody of the Casali Property had not been transferred to the Trustees of the Public Library. Voted: To accept the report of the Administration Committee as a report of progress re Casali property. The Committee on Circulation recommended the purchase of 44 titles and the receipt of 90 gifts. Voted: That the recommendation of the Committee on Circulation be accepted and the thanks of the Trustees be extended for the gifts. Voted: To proceed to the organization of the Board. Written ballot being had, Miss Katharine P. Loring was unanimously elected chairman and Helen L. Marsters Secretary. Voted: That the Chairman of the Board should appoint the Committee for the ensuing year. Voted: To adjourn Adj ourned Helen L. Marsters Secretary