1926-27-11City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 11/27/1926 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Katharine P. Loring, Thomas F. Delaney, Caleb B. Hood, Helen L. Marsters, Rev. Clarence S. Pond, and Fred H. Porter Board members absent: William A. Rowe, and Robert O. Small Others present: Recorder: Marjorie H. Stanton Beverly, November 27th 1926 Regular meeting of the Trustees of the Beverly Public Library was held at the Library on Saturday the 27th day of November 1926 at 3:30 P.M. There were present of the Board. Misses Loring and Marsters, Messrs. Pond, Porter, Hood and Delaney. Voted: To approve action of the Trustees who were present at the meeting called on October 30th 1926. Mr. Porter presented the November statement of the Finance Committee. The Committee on Circulation recommended the purchase of 49 titles and the receipt of 69 gifts. Voted: That the recommendation of the Committee on Circulation be accepted and the thanks of the Trustees be extended for the 69 gifts. Voted: To accept the Librarian' s report to date and place same on file. Voted: That subscription for the ensuing year be made to the list of newspapers recommended by the Committee on Circulation. Voted: year. Voted: That the Library subscribe for the United States Daily of Washington, D.C. for the ensuing To accept the budget presented to the Finance Committee for 1927 and the Committee on Finance be authorized to ask for $24,337.72 and 1/2 dog tax. $8,050.00 Maintenance $16,287.72 Salaries On motion of Mr. Porter it was Voted: That $500 be added to the Salary account for the pay of a second janitor. Voted: Voted: Voted: That a Special Budget of $700 for the repair of the roof be accepted. To hold the December meeting of the Trustees on December 30, 1926 at 4:30 P.M. That the report as prepared by Miss Loring be adopted as the report of the Board of Trustees for 1926. Voted: The resolution submitted in memory of our late member, Miss Elizabeth P. Sohier copy be accepted and be spread upon the records, and a copy sent to Miss Sohier's family. (Resolution appended) on following page. Voted: To adjourn Adjourned Helen L. Marsters Secretary Elizabeth Putnam Sohier When Miss Sohier was appointed as a Trustee of the Beverly Public Library, in 1896, she had already served for six years on the Free Public Library Commission of Massachusetts. She therefore brought to our Board a knowledge of other libraries and the benefit of the criticism of experts. This benefit has been continued and increased, as the experience of the Commissioners grew and their policy was expended. In addition to this, she contributed sound and accurate reasoning and critical judgement to the work of the Board. She initiated many of the reforms which have changed our Department from the ownership of a small room, with closed shelves, no place for children - in fact, children were not allowed into the library until they were fourteen years of age, and there were no books for them - and a small but good collection of books, to one with beautiful buildings, a large and very valuable book collection of books, and great activities. She was most generous in giving herself to the work, she attended meetings regularly, and was interested in every member of the Staff. She also gave many books and large sums of money. The Trustees and the Staff feel deep sorrow for her loss, for she had endeared herself to us all.