1949-04-28City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 04/28/1949 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Thomas F. Delaney, John C. Birmingham, W. Lincoln Boyden, Jr., Lawrence E. Foster, and Robert O. Small Board members absent: Thomas J. Casey, Louisa V. Conrad, William A. Rowe, and B. Frederick Yoffa Others present: Recorder: Marjorie H. Stanton April 28, 1949 The regular meeting of the Board was held at the Library on Thursday, April 28, at 7:30 P.M., with Mr. Delaney, Messrs. Birmingham, Boyden, Small, & Foster. The Secretary' s report of the meeting of March 31 was read and approved, as was the report of the Finance Committee giving details of expenditures and balances to date. Mr. Delaney then told of the interview which he and Miss Stanton had had with the Mayor, asking for a supplementary budget of $4,050 for Maintenance and $2,440 for Salaries. Mayor Rafferty agreed to take this up with the Board of Aldermen. As a result, a supplementary budget of $1,000 was granted for Maintenance, to be applied as follows: - $200 for books; $200 for binding; $100 for fuel; and $500 for repairs. There was no allowance for salary increases. It was voted that sufficient money be saved from the item Pages and Substitutes to (be used to) raise salaries of Staff Members and Janitors for the last week of the year, ending December 31, 1949 - the increase to be at the following rate: - for Miss Stanton at the rate of a $200 increase for the year; for Mrs. Brown $150, Miss Woodbury and Mrs. Prince $125 each; Miss Crafts, Mrs. Pratt, Mrs. Cutler, Mrs. McManus, Miss Munroe, and each of the janitors $100 each. The Administrative Committee reported that repairs must be made to the plumbing and to the chimney top at the Main Library, and that all the chairs in the Adult Reading Room needed re- enforcement. Mr. Delaney also reported that the appropriation of $13,000 for repairs to the Farms Branch had been approved and that a Commission consisting of Mrs. Conrad, Mr. Delaney and Mr. Howard Williams had been appointed to oversee the work. This report was approved. The Circulation Committee recommended the purchase of 110 new books. This Committee also reported that a gift of ten dollars had been received from the Legion Auxiliary for the subscription to two magazines which would be useful to Junior High and Senior High School students; and that the Library had been presented with the collection of elephants belonging to Robert Robertson of Beverly - complete with cabinet and light. This report was approved and the Secretary was asked to express the gratitude of the Trustees for the gifts received. The Librarian' s report of activities was presented and placed on file. Voted: to adjourn Adjourned Marjorie H. Stanton Clerk