1927-27-01City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 01/27/1927
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Katharine P. Loring,, Caleb B. Hood, Helen L. Marsters, Marian P.
Motley,, Fred H. Porter, William A. Rowe, and Robert O. Small
Board members absent: Thomas F. Delaney, and Rev. Clarence S. Pond
Others present:
Recorder: Marjorie H. Stanton
Beverly, January 27th 1927
Regular meeting of the Trustees of the Beverly Public Library was held at the Library on Thursday
the 27th day of January 1927 at 4 P.M.
There were present of the Board.
Misses Loring and Marsters, Mrs. Motley, Messrs. Hood, Porter, Small and Rowe.
The records of the meeting of December 30th 1926 were read and approved.
To proceed to the organization of the Board. Written ballot being had - Miss Katharine P.
Loring was unanimously elected Chairman and Helen L. Marsters Secretary.
To accept the Chairman' s appointment of the following committees for 1927.
Finance Committee:
Mr. Small
Mr. Hood
Mr. Porter
Miss Marsters
Administration Committee:
Mr. Porter
Mr. Delaney
Mr. Rowe
Committee on Branches:
Mr. Pond
Mr. Hood
Mrs. Motley
Circulation Committee:
Miss Marsters
Miss Loring
Mrs. Motley
Publicity and Lectures:
Mr. Rowe
Mr. Delaney
Mr. Pond
To accept the amended budget of 24,337.72 plus ~A the dog tax making a total budget asked
for of 25,037.72 for 1927. (This includes $700 for roof.)
Mr. Small presented the January report of the Finance Committee.
The Committee on Circulation recommended the purchase of 72 titles and the receipt of 15 gifts.
That the recommendation of the Committee on Circulation be accepted and the thanks of the
Trustees be extended for the gifts.
Mr. Porter, Chairman of the Committee on Administration recommended that Mr. Albert
Moses be engaged as assistant janitor at $25.00 a week.
To accept this motion.
To accept the Librarian' s report to date & place same on file.
To hold the Trustees meeting on the last Thursday of the month at 4 P.M.
To require as part of the service of our staff, attendance upon professional improvement
course at authorized and to expend from the Trust Funds $200 for this purpose.
To adjourn
Helen L. Marsters