1950-01-26City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 01/26/1950 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Thomas F. Delaney, John C. Birmingham, W. Lincoln Boyden, Jr., Thomas J. Casey, Lawrence E. Foster, and Robert O. Small Board members absent: Louisa V. Conrad, William A. Rowe, and B. Frederick Yoffa Others present: Recorder: Marjorie H. Stanton Beverly, January 26, 1950 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on January 26,, at 7:30 P.M. with Mr. Delaney and Messrs. Birmingham, Boyden, Casey, Foster and Small. The records of December 29 were read and approved. Since the budget for the year had not yet been approved, the Finance Committee could make no report except to say that expenditures for January had been normal. The Administration Committee reported that work at the Farms Library had been completed - except for a few repairs for which an additional appropriation had been requested - and that the Library had been reopened on January 18 after being closed for six weeks. This Committee also reported that one leaking radiator in the Children' s Room at the Main Library had been repaired - at a cost between a hundred and a hundred-and-fifty dollars - and that the grates in both boilers had been burned out and must be replaced at once. The Circulation Committee recommended the purchase of 109 new books and the acceptance of 10 gifts. Approved. The report of the Librarian, giving a summary of expenditures, circulation, registration of borrowers, and activities in the Children' s Department and in the various Deposit Stations was read and placed on file. Since the circulation of books at the Station in the Centerville School had decreased steadily during the last few years, Mr. Boyden was asked to find out if the collection of books could be placed in the Fire Station instead of in the school, thus making the books more accessible to the public. A request was received from Mrs. Palmer that insurance on her car in which she carries books to shut-ins be paid by the library as in previous years. Voted: that this bill be paid from Trust Fund Income. With reference to the question of allowing the Boy Scout Troop at Beverly Farms to use this Library Hall, it was voted to discuss this matter again at the next Board meeting, Mr. Delaney to find out, in the meantime, how much support this troop receives from the Community Fund. Mr. Small suggested that the City Government be asked to publish the Library report, separately not bound with the report of the Cemetery or other Department of the City, since such copies are used for exchange with other libraries and are more dignified when separately bound. Miss Stamon was asked to forward such a request to the Mayor. Voted: to adjourn Adjourned Marjorie H. Stanton Clerk