1950-06-29City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 06/29/1950 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Thomas F. Delaney, Louisa V. Conrad, Lawrence E. Foster, and Robert O. Small Board members absent: John C. Birmingham, W. Lincoln Boyden, Jr., Thomas J. Casey, William A. Rowe, and B. Frederick Yoffa Others present: Recorder: Marjorie H. Stanton June 29, 1950 The regular meeting of the Board was held on Thursday, June 29, at 7:30 P.M. with Mr. Delaney, Mrs. Conrad, Mr. Foster and Mr. Small in attendance. The records of the meeting of May 25 were read and approved, as was the report of the Finance Committee giving expenditures for the first six months of the year. Mr. Delaney reported, for the Administration Committee, that the front door at the Main Library was in need of refinishing, and that he would advertise for bids for the painting of the vestibule and the space surrounding the Circulation Desk as soon as possible. The Circulation Committee recommended the purchase of 341 books and the acceptance of 39 gifts. This was approved. The Librarian' s report summing up circulation and registration figures for the six months, and describing the Children' s Reading Contest which had just ended, was read and placed on file. Miss Stanton also announced that, in accordance with a previous decision by the Board, the Library in the Centerville School would be closed during the months of July and August when the circulation of books is very small. Voted: to omit the July and August meetings of the Board, subject to call by the Chairman if need should arise. Voted: to adjourn Adjourned Marjorie H. Stanton Clerk