1933-11-28City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 11/28/1933
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: James A. Cronin, Mrs. E. Preble Motley, Sr., Clarence S. Pond, and
Fred H. Porter,
Board members absent: Thomas F. Delaney, Caleb B. Hood, Katharine P. Loring, Robert O.
Small, and Horace W. Woodberry, Jr.
Others present:
Recorder: Marjorie H. Stanton
Beverly, November 28th 1933
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held at the Library on Tuesday, November
28th at 4 P.M.
There were present of the Trustees, Mrs. Motley, Messrs. Porter, Woodbury, Cronin, and
In the absence of Miss Loring, Mrs. Motley was elected Chairman pro tem.
The records of the meeting of October 26 were read and approved.
Miss Stanton presented the monthly statement of the Finance Committee, in Mr. Small's
absence, and requested that as much unexpected balance as possible be used for replacements to
satisfy the unusually heavy demands of the public.
Voted: that the Finance report be approved, and the recommendation of the Librarian be
approved, subject to the agreement by Miss Loring as Chairman of Circulation Committee.
The Committee on Circulation recommended the purchase of 79 new titles and the acceptance
of 10 gifts. Voted: that this be approved.
Voted: to hire Mr. Revel Davis for six evenings a week, at one dollar an evening, for the
month of December, to keep order in the reading rooms at the Beverly Farms Branch.
A letter was received from Mr. Frederick Ayer, requesting that a Deposit of books be placed
in the Beverly Hospital, for the use of patients.
Voted: subject to the approval of Miss Loring, that this request be complied with, provided
the Hospital bear the expense of transportation and be responsible for the care and circulation of the
The Annual Report of the Trustees, as prepared by Miss Loring was read and accepted as the
report of the Board for the year 1933; and the thanks of the Trustees was voted to Miss Loring for
the preparation of such an unusually comprehensive report.
Voted: to adjourn
Marjorie H. Stanton