1948-09-30City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 09/30/1948 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Thomas F. Delaney, John C. Birmingham, William A. Rowe, and Robert O. Small Board members absent: W. Lincoln Boyden, Jr., Thomas J. Casey, Louisa V. Conrad, Lawrence E. Foster, and B. Frederick Yoffa Others present: Recorder: Marjorie H. Stanton Beverly, September 30, 1948 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held in the evening of September 30th with Mr. Delaney and Messrs. Birmingham, Rowe, and Small in attendance. The records of the meeting of June 24 were read and approved. The report of the Finance Committee, giving a summary of expenditures and balances for the nine months of the year was read and discussed in detail. Since the money for Lighting, Fuel, and Office Supplies was nearly exhausted, it was voted to write the City Government asking for additional appropriations as follows: Lighting $110.00; Fuel $490.00; Office Supplies $215.00. The report of the Circulation Committee stating that 490 books had been purchased and 58 gifts received since the June meeting was presented and approved. It was voted that the list of magazines to be subscribed to for 1949 be the same as that of 1948, with a few minor changes, and that the order be placed again with Miss June Pickering of Beverly. At Mr. Small's suggestion it was decided to send to the Superintendent of Documents at Washington for the pamphlet entitled "Semi annual report of the Atomic Energy Commission", since this matter is so important in the world of today. Upon request of Mr. Sidney Acting Secretary of the Boy Scout Troop at the Farms, it was voted to allow the Troop to use the Library hall at the Farms for Scout meetings, free of charge, during the rest of the present school year. In answer to a request from Miss Mary Lawler of Peabody, it was voted to grant her the use of the hall at the Farms Library for her Education Class, at a charge of one dollar for each time. Miss Stanton reported that Mrs. Deborah McGann had been obliged to give up her position at the Farms Branch - very suddenly because of ill-health, and that she hoped, with the approval of the Trustees, to be able to get Mrs. Dorothy Day in her place. Mrs. Day had been highly recommended by several of the Farms residents. It was voted to leave with Mr. Delaney and Miss Stanton the matter of hiring Mrs. Day, together with details as to salary, etc, The report of the Librarian, telling of the work which had been accomplished during the summer months was read and placed on file. Voted to adjourn Adjourned Louisa V. Conrad, Secretary Marjorie H. Stanton, Clerk