1948-06-24City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 06/24/1948 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Thomas F. Delaney, John C. Birmingham, W. Lincoln Boyden, Jr., and Louisa V. Conrad Board members absent: Thomas J. Casey, Lawrence E. Foster, William A. Rowe, Robert O. Small, and B. Frederick Yoffa Others present: Recorder: Marjorie H. Stanton Beverly, June 24, 1948 The regular meeting of the Board was held on Thursday, June 24, at 7:30 P.M. with Mr. Delaney, Mrs. Conrad, and Messrs. Birmingham and Boyden in attendance. The records of the meeting of May 27 were approved, and the statement of the Finance Committee, giving details of expenditures and balances for the half year was also presented and approved. Miss Stanton explained, in response to an inquiry made at the previous meeting, that the form of the present budget as approved by the City Government, had been set up by the Mayor and the Board of Aldermen and that it was necessary to keep within the limits of each item unless permission to change from one item to another were given by the City Government. Mr. Delaney reported, for the Administration Committee, that it would be impossible to hire anyone to dust the stacks, except from the Civil Service list, since all laborers in Beverly were under Civil Service, and that since it would be impossible to hire anyone at the small salary Miss Hanners had been receiving, other arrangements for keeping the stacks in order must be found. He also reported that a new typewriter had been purchased to replace one which had been in use for thirty-five years; that a second hand refrigerator had been bought for the use of the Staff; and that the seventy-five dollars allowed for the care of grounds would be about equally divided between the Main Library and the Farms Branch. A letter was received from the Beverly Farms Improvement Society, asking if something could not be done to stop ball playing in the little Park and on the grounds around the Library, since this was noisy, dangerous, and quite outside the purpose for which this land was given to the City. It was voted to write to the Chief of Police, enclosing a copy of this letter, and requesting that action be taken at once to put an end to this practice. A copy of this letter should also be sent to the Mayor. The Secretary was asked to write the Improvement Society, telling what action the Trustees were taking and suggesting that if it were possible for the Improvement Society to do so. Mr. Delaney also reported that the iron work at the Main Library could be painted at a cost of $275. He was authorized to have this work done, as well as to have the front door and the iron railing at the Farms Branch painted. This report was approved, as well as the report of the Circulation Committee recommending the purchase of 149 books and the acceptance of 56 gifts. The report of the Librarian summing up the work of the first six months of the year, and telling of plans for the summer' s work, was read and placed on file. A letter from the Mayor was then read, stressing the necessity of keeping within the budget for the year; and one from Mrs. Plummer, of the Noah Beverly Deposit Station, thanking the Trustees for the two new chairs which had been sent her for the little library corner. The Board then organized for the year 1948. Mr. Delaney was elected Chairman; Mrs. Conrad, Secretary; and Miss Stanton, Clerk. The Board then voted to adjourn until September 30th, unless otherwise called together by the Chairman. Adjourned Marjorie H. Stanton Clerk