1947-11-28City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 11/28/1947
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Thomas F. Delaney, John C. Birmingham, Louisa V. Conrad,
Lawrence E. Foster, William A. Rowe, and Robert O. Small
Board members absent: W. Lincoln Boyden, Jr., Thomas J. Casey, and B. Frederick Yoffa
Others present:
Recorder: Marjorie H. Stanton
November 28, 1947
The regular meeting of the Board was held on Friday, the twenty-eighth, at the regular
hour, with Mr. Delaney, Mrs. Conrad, and Messrs. Birmingham, Foster, Rowe and Small present.
The Secretary' s records of the meeting of October 30th were read and approved.
In place of the usual report by the Finance Committee, Mr. Small, as Chairman of that
Committee, presented for consideration the budget for 1948 as prepared by the Committee at a
meeting held on November 25th.
It was voted to ask the City Government for a salary appropriation of $32, 360, this to
include a cost-of-living increase of $260 for every member of the regular staff and for every
janitor; and for a maintenance appropriation of $12,725. This was approved. It was further voted
that Miss Stanton send a letter to the Mayor, with the budget showing a comparison of cost of
books, binding, oil, coal, express, etc. between 1942 and 1947, and emphasizing the need of a
larger appropriation to take care of those increased charges in practically every item in the budget.
It was also voted that the Finance Committee be empowered to confer with the Mayor, at the
proper time, about the need of the entire maintenance appropriation.
The Committee on Circulation recommended the purchase of 177 new titles and the
acceptance of 3 gifts. This recommendation was approved.
Voted: to apply to the Civil Service Commission for permission to put Thomas J. Reardon
in as permanent janitor at the Farms Branch, since his name is now on the eligible list.
Two letters were received - one from Mrs. Helen Canning, Secretary of the Farms Parent
Teacher Association and the other from Mr. Douglas Anderson of Beverly Farms asking for
permission to use the hall at the Farms Branch every Money evening for the new Boy Scout
Troop meetings.
It was voted that Miss Stanton reply to these letters, stating that permission was granted
for this use of the hall through the present school year, provided satisfactory arrangements could
be made with Mr. Reardon, the janitor.
A letter was received from Mrs. Alice Tappan Pratt, thanking the Trustees for appointing
her to the Library Staff and expressing her desire to serve the Library in every possible way.
It was voted to consider amending the By-laws to include in the minimum and maximum
ranges of salaries for each position to include the cost-of-living increase given by the City
Government, for 1947.
Since amendments can be made only by proposing changes at one meeting and voting on
them at the next, this matter will be taken up at the December meeting of the Board.
After Mr. Foster's report on his talk with the Mayor relative to needed repairs at the
Farms Branch it was voted to add to the regular maintenance budget for 1948, the request for a
Special Appropriation of $22,000 for such repairs.
Voted: that the next meeting be held on Monday, December 22, to avoid conflict with
Christmas Day.
Marjorie H. Stanton