1947-04-24City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 04/24/1947 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Thomas F. Delaney, Louisa V. Conrad, and Lawrence E. Foster Board members absent: John C. Birmingham, W. Lincoln Boyden, Jr., Thomas J. Casey, William A. Rowe, Robert O. Small, and B. Frederick Yoffa Others present: Recorder: Marjorie H. Stanton Beverly, April 24, 1947 The April meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on the 24th of the month, with Mr. Delaney, Mrs. Conrad, and Messrs. Foster present. Since that number does not constitute a quorum, all action taken was subject to ratification at the next meeting of the Board. The secretary's report of the meeting of March 27 was read and approved, as was the report of the Finance Committee giving expenditures to date. Mr. Delaney then gave a report of the meeting with the Finance Committee of the City which was held at 3 P.M., on April 13th, at the Farms Library. There were present Mr. Delaney, Mrs. Conrad, & Messrs. Birmingham, Boyden, and Foster, of the Trustees; Messrs Rafferty, Clare, and Lally of the City Government; Mr. Dolloff, the building inspector, and Mr. Donovan, Alderman from the Farms ward. After thorough inspection of the building, and discussion as to needs, it was suggested that the Trustees send a letter to the Finance Committee of the City Government, asking for the sum of $22,000, instead of the 17,000 previously requested, for repairs to the outside and inside of the Branch. This letter was sent on Monday, April 14, but to date no answer had been received. Mr. Delaney also reported, for the Administration Committee, that he had got a figure of 155.40 for 4 4-tube fluorescent lights, for the work room at the Main Library, with a cost of approximately $40 for installation. Voted: to have this done. He also reported that he had received four estimates for linoleum floor covering for the work room floor: - $298.70 from the Kransberg Co,. 265.75 from the Fred Allen Co. and 240.00 from the Cabot Furniture Co. It was voted to give the work to the last named company. And to have the floor sanded before the covering is laid, at an approximate cost of $50. The Circulation Committee recommended the purchase of 320 titles and the acceptance of 10 gifts. This was approved. The report of the Librarian, giving a summary of circulation figures and of the success of the Story Hours at the Farms Branch was read and placed on file. The Board then adjourned. Marjorie H. Stanton Secretary