1947-01-30City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 01/30/1947
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Thomas F. Delaney, W. Lincoln Boyden, Jr., Thomas J. Casey, Louisa
V. Conrad, Lawrence E. Foster, and Robert O. Small
Board members absent: John C. Birmingham, William A. Rowe, and B. Frederick Yoffa
Others present:
Recorder: Marjorie H. Stanton
Beverly, January 30, 1947
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on Thursday, January 30, at 7:30
P.M., with Mr. Delaney, Mrs. Conrad, and Messrs. Casey, Boyden, Small, and Foster in
The records of the meeting of November 29 were read and approved, the December
meeting having been omitted because of the Christmas holidays.
The Finance Committee made an informal report, stating that expenditures during January
had been normal, but that since the budget of 1946 had not been passed, no formal report could
be presented.
The Administration Committee had nothing to report at this time.
The Committee on Circulation recommended the purchase of 373 title and the acceptance
of 3 gifts. This was approved.
The report of the Librarian, giving a summary of figures for 1946 was read and placed on
A letter was received from Mrs. Abbie R. Hood, expressing the thanks of the Beverly
Hospital Directors for the service rendered to patients at the hospital by the weekly distribution of
books by Mrs. Robertson - a service which has brought happiness to many persons.
A letter was also received from Mrs. Myrtle Palmer, asking the Trustees if they would be
willing to make some contribution to the bill of $174.16 which she had incurred for repairs to the
car in which she carried books to shut-ins. After informal discussion it was voted to raise the
monthly amount allowed her for gasoline from $30 to $35 a month, and to pay the yearly
insurance; rather than to pay any cost of this bill for repair.
Mrs. Conrad reported for the Branch Committee that one meeting had been held with the
Committee of Farms residents, and that there had been discussions of the hours of opening, the
need for Story Hours to bring children to the Library and interest them in good books, the
question of discipline both inside and outside the Library, and the possibility of more publicity on
these matters through the Beverly Farms school.
A letter was also received from Mr. Toomey suggesting that a questionnaire be distributed
among the Farms residents asking for suggestions about books, hours, needs etc.
Mrs. Conrad' s report was accepted with thanks and Mr. Toomey's suggestion was laid on
the table for future consideration.
It was hoped that Mr. Chandler Bigelow's name might be suggested to the Mayor, by the
Farms Committee, as a Trustee from that section of the City, when appointments were being
Marjorie H. Stanton