Regular Meeting
Board of Trustees - Beverly Public Library
March 24, 1998 7:15 P.M.
Present: Edward Brindle, Diane Costa, Lindsay Diehi, Kay Fanning, Margaret Goodwin,
Neil Olson, Kevin O'Reilly, Helga Senko, John Young.
Also Present: Thomas Scully, Anna Langstaff.
Diane Costa presided.
Neil Olson made the motion, seconded by Edward Brindle, to accept the minutes of February 24,
1998 as read. Motion passed.
Public Presentation
Committee Reports
Personnel: No report.
Administration: No report.
Finance: No report.
Long Range Planning: Margaret Goodwin reported that the Long Range Planning Committee
met on March 12, 1998. Draft copies of long range plan will be sent to all Board members.
Report of the Library Director
1 ) Position Vacancy: Kevin McGrath has submitted his letter of resignation. 2) Farms Project:
Contract for Farms feasibility study should be signed soon. 3) Trust Funds: A. Tom Scully
reported on his meeting with John Dunn, the City's Finance Director, to go over the trust fund
portfolio. John Dunn will try to complete transfer of funds. John Dunn would like Library
Trustees to meet with trust fund commissioners. B. Tom Scully distributed copies of library's
trust fund holdings to Library Trustees. Them was a general discussion of trust fund issues.
Tom Scully will update trust fund description list.
1) State Aid: Diane Costa received a letter from MBLC reporting the final state aid distribution
of $185.82.
Unfinished Business
1 ) New Member Handbook: Diane Costa and Lindsay Diehl reported on progress of new
member handbook. There was a general discussion of what should be included in this handbook.
Next new member handbook meeting will be held April 13, 1998 at 5:00 P.M. 2) Rules
Committee: Diane Costa reported on Rules Committee meeting held March 24, 1998. Once new
member handbook is done trustees' by-laws will be mostly in compliance with the new charter.
Trust fund duties are not included in the charter but they are spelled out in city ordinances and
MGL. A section on powers and duties will be added to the by-laws. Draft will be presented at
next full Board meeting. 3) Social Event for Staff and Friends Board Members: Friday, May 15,
1998 at 6:00 P.M. Planning meeting will be held Monday, April 13.
New Business
The next meeting of the Board will be Tuesday, April 28, 1998 at 7:00 P.M. at the Main Library.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
Anna Langstaff, Recorder