1934-03-29City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 03/29/1934 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Katharine P. Loring, James A. Cronin, Thomas F. Delaney, Caleb B. Hood, Rev. Clarence S. Pond, Robert O. Small, and Horace W. Woodberry Board members absent: Marian P. Motley, and Fred H. Porter Others present: Recorder: Marjorie H. Stanton March 29, 1934 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held at the Library on Thursday, March 1, at4P.M. There were present, of the Trustees, Miss Loring, and Messrs., Pond, Woodberry, Hood, Small, Delaney and Cronin. The records of the meeting of January 25th were read and approved. The financial summary for the month was presented by Mr. Small, who also reported that there had been no cut in the budget as asked for by the Trustees. Voted: that the Secretary send to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen a note, expressing the appreciation of the Trustees for the consideration given the budget for this year. The Administration Committee made informal report of work done at the Farms Branch by the C.W.A. workers. Voted: That Mr. Delaney be authorized to confer with Mr. Blackmer and the Chief of police on the question of preventing baseball playing on the upper end of the Common. Voted: that the Library hold a Neighborhood Meeting for Librarians and Trustees of nearby towns and cities, on Friday May 18th, and that lunch be provided from the Sohier Fund. The Committee on Circulation recommended the purchase of 227 new titles and the receipt of 18 gifts. Voted: that this recommendation be approved. The report of the Librarian was read and placed on file. Voted: that the Librarian be authorized to spend a sum not exceeding 300.00 to cover expenses of Librarian and Assistants at library meetings and courses for professional improvement - this sum to be take from the Trusts Funds. Voted: to continue the service of Mr. Revel Davis, at the Farms Branch, until May 1st. Voted: to adjourn Adjourned Marjorie H. Stanton Secretary