1997-04-14 APRIL 14, 1997 Present: Commissioners; Farmer, Bamico, Duval, Eaton, Gourdeau, Lydon, Mahoney, Rosen and White. Absent: Commissioners; Dean and Archer. Public: Charles Cummings, John O'Brien, Tom Ford and Victor Capozzi. A. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Farmer called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. 1. Presentations: Mr. Charles Cummings and Mr. John O'Brien of Bye Flatly Company' s real estate department, gave a presentation of their proposed development on property they own within an airport easement area. They were cautioned to insure compliance with language contained in the easement and to insure coordination and compliance with the FAA. 2. Chainnan Farmer called for a reading of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 10, 1997. Motion to accept by Vice Chairman White, 2nd by Commissioner Lydon. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Chairman Farmer called for a reading of the Financial Report for the month of March 1997. Acceptance of the March financial report was tabled pending clarification of possible error in city report. B. OLD BUSINESS 1. Vegetation Management Plan - Airport Manager and Commissioner Barnico updated the Commission on latest developments. 2. Property Acquisition - Airport Manager briefed the Commission on the latest developments. A discussion ensued. Chairman Farmer made a motion that the City Solicitor send a registered letter to the Gongas's Attorney of our offer of $242,000.00, and that our offer will end on May 5, 1997, at which time if the offer is not accepted the City Solicitor will pursue an avigation easement. 2nd by Commissioner Mahoney. Motioned passed with six (6) yeas and two (2) abstaining. 3. Snow Removal Equipment Acquisition - Airport Manager updated the Commission on latest developments. 4. Legal Affairs - Airport Manager updated the Commission on proposed Hospitality Solutions lawsuit and Sentry Case. Airport Manager to get clarification on the $15,000.00 Sentry settlement. 5. Connell Hangar Feasibility - Airport Manager updated Commission on latest developments. Airport Manager will call Mr. Connell to ascertain status of ConneWs Beverly economic feasibility study. 6. Sam FonzoRoad/Industrial Park - Commissioner Lydon distributed a recent newspaper article; regarding the road, and Airport Manager Mezzetti updated the Commission on latest developments. 7. Underground Storage Tanks - Airport Manager informed Commission of Omni's intent to install spill/over spill protection on their tanks by July 1997. Airport Manager will meet with Omni's owner to ascertain owner's plans on required leak detection and corrosion protection. 8. Leases - Commissioner Gourdeau showed the consolidated lease exhibit to Commission members; Commissioner Duval submitted a Massport Standard Lease Model for review. Chairman Farmer thanked both Commissioners. 9. Budget/Finance - Vice Chairman White updated the Commission on airport finances and FY 98 budget. C. NEW BUSINESS · FY 98 C.I.P/A.S.M.P Projects - Airport Manager discussed current C.I.P/A.S.M.P project plan and the impact a change to include a Rwy 9 GPS approach study would have. Consensus was to go ahead with current project planning and to hold future meeting(s) with tenants regarding study of a Rwy 9 GPS Approach. D. AIRPORT MANAGER's REPORT - Airport Manager's report contained in Commission Packets; also briefly discussed tiedown revenues, Commissioner Gourdeau to check New England Flyers lease regarding a question of the number of their tiedowns. E. CHAIRMAN/COMMISSION COMMENTS I. Chairman Farmer read a memo from MAC regarding spending grant money within the specified time frames. 2. Chairman Farmer updated the Commission on Ransom flow rate figures. 3. Chairman Farmer and Commission discussed banner towing fees. Commissioner Lydon made a motion to charge $20.00 per tow fee subject to contiming fee is consistent with other airports. 2nd by Vice Chairman White. Vote was unanimous. 4. Chairman Farmer thanked Commissioner Eaton for his recent letter to the Danvers Herald. 5. Chairman Farmer requested Airport Manager make TEW/MAC tiedown tenants aware that Beverly Municipal Airport has available tie downs. 6. Chairman Farmer thanked Commissioner Bamico for his establishing a rapport with newly elected Congressman Tieracy. 7. Chairman Farmer thanked Airport Manager Mezzetti and Assistant Mechanic Nelson for their snow removal during and after the 3/31 - 4/01 blizzard. F. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion made to enter into Executive Session to hear T Ford Co. update, motion 2nd and passed unanimously. Motion to come out of Executive Session made and 2nd, motion passed unanimously. G. ADJOURNMENT: motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Lydon, 2nd by Commissioner Gourdeau. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully Submitted, Robert Mezzetti Airport Manager