1940-09-26City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 09/26/1940 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Katharine P. Loring, Thomas F. Delaney, Marion Glidden, Mrs. E. Prebble Motley, Sr., and William A. Rowe Board members absent: W. Lincoln Boyden, Jr., Thomas J. Casey, Moses I. Simon, and Robert O. Small Others present: Recorder: Marjorie H. Stanton Beverly, September 26, 1940 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on Thursday, September 26, at 4 o'clock. There was present of the Trustees Miss Loring, Mrs. Motley, Mrs. Glidden, and Messrs. Delaney and Rowe. The records of the meeting of June 26 were read and approved, as was the statement of the Finance Committee giving expenditures and balances to date. Mr. Delaney, for the Administration Committee, made a complete report of the progress of the painting project at the Farms Branch and at the Main Library. He spoke also of additional bookcases for the Children's Room, at the Main Library, the possibility of re arranging cases in the storage room, to serve as an overflow for the overcrowded stacks, and the fact that there might later be a W.P.A. project for relaying the walks at the back of the building as well as the areaway at the Dane Street entrance. A formal vote of thanks was given Mr. Delaney, in appreciation of his interest and untiring efforts as Chairman of this Committee. The Circulation committee recommended the purchase of 94 new titles and the acceptance of 80 gifts, the greater number of these from Mr. Henry Lowell Mason, in memory of Mrs. Mason. The resignation of Miss Helen Aylward, assistant in the Children's Room, was read and accepted with regret. It was voted to transfer Miss Isabelle Preston, an assistant in the Adult Department, to this position, at a salary of $900.00; and to add to the regular staff, in her place, Miss Hester Mitchell, who has been a part time worker for six years. - Miss Mitchell's salary to be $800.00. The Committee on Circulation of the Board then presented for consideration of the Board the magazine list for 1941. It was voted to subscribe to the same list as taken in 1940, with a few minor changes, this list to be submitted to Leon Doble of Beverly for an estimate to be considered at the next meeting of the Board. Voted to adjourn Adjourned Marjorie H. Stanton Secretary