1937-10-28City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 10/28/1937 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Katharine P. Loring, Saul J. Cagan, James A. Cronin, Thomas F. Delaney, and Rev. Clarence S. Pond Board members absent: Mrs. E. Prebble Motley, Sr., Fred H. Porter, William A. Rowe, and Robert O. Small Others present: Recorder: Marjorie H. Stanton October 28, 1937 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held at 4 P.M. on Thursday, October 28th There were present of the Trustees Miss Loring, Messrs. Delaney, Cronin, Cagan and Pond. The Secretary's report of the last meeting was read and approved. - as was the report of the Finance Committee, giving a summary of expenditures to date. Voted: to purchase the 8 volume set of songs which had been submitted for consideration at the September meeting. Voted: to place with Leon C. Doble, at his estimate of $290.45, the magazine list for 1938. Voted: to subscribe for 1938, for the same list of newspapers as have been taken this year, and to place the order for these with Nathan H. Foster of Beverly. The Committee on Circulation recommended the purchase of 27 new titles and the receipt of 9 gifts. Voted that the recommendation be approved. Since the next regular meeting of the Board would fall upon Thanksgiving Day, it was voted to hold the November meeting on Thursday, the 18th. Voted: to close the Libraries at 6:30 on November 3rd, in observance of the Constitution Day Program being held at the High School Hall. It was moved and seconded, and unanimously approved, that Miss Loring prepare the annual report of the Trustees for this year. The Secretary was instructed to convey to Mrs. Motley the most sincere wishes of the Board for her quick recovery from the effects of her recent automobile accident, and to express the hope that she would be able to attend the next meeting of the Board. Voted to adjourn Adjourned Marjorie H. Stanton Secretary