1937-02-25City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 02/25/1937 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Katharine P. Loring, Saul J. Cagan, James A. Cronin, Thomas F. Delaney, Mrs. E. Prebble Motley, Sr., and Robert O. Small Board members absent: Rev. Clarence S. Pond, Fred H. Porter, and William A. Rowe, Others present: Recorder: Marjorie H. Stanton February 25, 1937 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on Thursday February 25th at 4:30 P.M.., with Miss Loring, Mrs. Motley, & Messrs. Cronin, Small, Delaney and Cagan in attendance. The records of the meeting of January 28th were read and approved, after which the Trustees proceeded at once to the organization of the Board. It was moved and seconded that Mr. Porter be instructed to cast one vote for Chairman and for Secretary. Miss Loring was again elected chairman and Miss Stanton Secretary. The Chairman then appointed the following committees: - Mr. Small then presented the report of the Finance Committee, explaining the cut in the budget, as made by the Mayor, and of the Mayor's proposal to have the repairing of the front steps done by W.P.A. labor, and to supplement the appropriations for oil, for the Farms heater, during the Fall, if need arose. Voted: to approve this report and to authorize the Finance Committee to remind the mayor of this promise, if necessary, at a later date. Mr. Small also brought in a proposed form for the keeping of Trust Fund accounts, this to be looked over by the Trustees and considered more fully at the next meeting of the Board. The Administration made informal report of the need for painting at the Farms Branch, and of repairs to the steps at the Main Library. Mr. Rowe sent in a short report as to the possibility of setting aside more room for Library purposes at Mr. Floyd' s store at Noah Beverly, but since this would involve the expenditure of approximately $400, the cut in the budget prevented any actions at the present time. The Circulation Committee recommended the purchase of 343 new titles and the receipt of 9 gifts. Voted: that this recommendation be approved. Voted to adjourn Adjourn Marjorie H. Stanton CIRCULATION COMMITTEE Miss K. P. Loring, Chairman Mrs. E. P. Motley, St. Mr. Saul Cagan FINANCE COMMITTEE Mr. R. P. Small, Chairman Mr. Fred H. Porter Mr. James A. Cronin Mr. T. F. Delaney ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Mr. Porter Mr. Delaney Mr. William A. Rowe COMMITTEE ON BRANCHES Rev. C. S. Pond, Chairman Mrs. Motley Mr. Rowe Committees for 1937