1935-02-28City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 02/28/1935 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Katharine P. Loring, Marian P. Motley, James A. Cronin, Saul J. Cagan and Robert O. Small Board members absent: Clarence S. Pond, Horace W. Woodberry, Jr., Thomas F. Delaney, Fred H. Porter Others present: Recorder: Marjorie H. Stanton Beverly, February 28, 1935 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held at the Library on February 28th, at 4 p.m., there being present of the Board, Miss Loring, Mrs. Motley, Messrs. Cronin, Cagan and Small. The records of the meeting of January 3 1st were read and approved, and it was voted to ratify the organization of the Board as voted at the meeting, before the incoming members of the Board had been approved and qualified. Miss Loring, as Chairman, appointed the following Committee for the year, 1935. Mr. Small presented the Finance Statement for the month, and Mr. Cronin reported on the interview which he and Mr. Porter had had with the Mayor and Finance Committee of the City on the budget for 1935. Voted: to approve these reports. Miss Loring then presented a letter from Miss Beatrice Leary, applying for a position on the Library Staff. Voted: That the Secretary inform Miss Leary that it was the unanimous vote of the Board that no provision had been made in the budget for another Assistant and that the Trustees do not intend to add to the Staff at present. Miss Stanton then presented a request from Mayor Torrey that the Trustees provide work for a number of E.R.A. women at the Library. Voted: to inform the Mayor that the Library would be glad to cooperate with him in this, and would provide work for a number not to exceed four. Miss Stanton read the proposed schedule of salaries for members of the Staff, with minimum, maximum and step increases, but since this was not sufficiently detailed, Mr. Small moved that copies of a more explicit schedule be prepared for each member of the Board before the next meeting. This was seconded and so voted. Voted to adjourn Adjourned Marjorie H. Stanton Secretary