2003-07-01Historic District Commission
Meeting Minutes – July 1, 2003
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Public Meeting Minutes
BOARD: Historic District Commission
DATE: July 1, 2003
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: William Finch, John Condon & Matt Lewis
MEMBERS ABSENT: James Younger and John Frates
RECORDER: Leah Zambernardi
Mr. Finch calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
1. Monserrat College of Art - 23 Essex Street/Certificate of Appropriateness
Mr. Finch explains that this is a special meeting and is essentially a continuation of a
request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for the Hardy School relative to the
preservation restriction that the City and Montserrat College entered into when
Montserrat College purchased the building. The Commission had a previous meeting
that was a public hearing. The public hearing was closed at the last meeting and the
Commission is essentially in regular session. The Commission may only hear from the
public if the members vote to re-open the public hearing in order to hear public
comments. The Commission is here to discuss revisions and refinements made to the
proposal by Montserrat. At that point he asks Mr. Robert Beauvais to come forward.
Mr. Beauvais states that he responded to some of the concerns of the Commission
regarding the aluminum windows and that Montserrat has engaged EFCO window
company. The Commission made a site visit to the Ipswich Public Library this past
Saturday to view a building with aluminum windows that have a two-muntin system (one
exterior muntin and an internal spacer). The Commission requested to see a system with
three muntins and tonight he has brought in a sample with a three-muntin system. He has
also looked at matching the brick molding which is something that can be done with the
EFCO window. He passed out a data sheet that notes the differences in the site lines
from the existing sash. He thinks this is the best option for aluminum windows.
Historic District Commission
Meeting Minutes – July 1, 2003
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Mr. Finch addresses the site line issue and notes that with the replacement aluminum
windows already installed in the building, the width of each glass pane was reduced from
about 14 inches (existing window) to about 12 inches. The window balance package had
an effect on the width of the window sash. Mr. Finch asks Mr. Beauvais if this happens
with the EFCO glass. Mr. Beauvais states that from side to side is 13/16-inch difference.
From top to bottom is ¼-inch difference. This is based on information he received over
the telephone with an EFCO representative.
Mr. Finch asks for the width of the actual muntin on the EFCO window as opposed to the
existing window. Mr. Beauvais states that it is ¾-inch. He believes that EFCO has the
capacity to make the muntin thicker. Mr. Finch states that the tradeoff is to tamper with
the window pane size.
Mr. Finch states that the Oceanview’s windows nearby have wood replacement windows
with individual double glazed panes as opposed to aluminum. Interestingly, the muntin
on those windows is very wide, almost 1 ½-inches, which is much wider than the muntins
on Montserrat’s windows, but when you perceive it from a distance, it has a certain
heaviness. This is closer to the heaviness of the windows on the Montserrat building.
The window muntins on the existing windows are about an inch or 7/8-inch and the real
difference is that the replacement windows will appear somewhat lighter. The thickness
of the muntin is also determined by the glazer. If there is a heavy glazer than the muntin
will appear thicker. Mr. Finch notes that as windows are painted over the years, the
layers make it look quite different.
Mr. Finch notes that himself, Leah. Zambernardi, Jim Younger and John Condon visited
the Ipswich Public Library to view their EFCO windows with an exterior muntin and an
additional spacer sandwiched in between the panes of glass, which is what one of the two
samples submitted tonight is. The Commission hoped to see a sample which also
included an interior muntin for a full “sandwich,” simulating a wood window and
unfortunately we did not have a chance to view one. Ms. Zambernardi visited an address
in Newburyport with such a window and took photographs, which are available for public
view. Mr. Finch stated that this type of muntin does add more visual weight to the
window and the sample brought to the meeting also backs that up. Mr. Finch feels that
the single spacer between the glass does not add anything significantly to the three-
dimensional quality of the window. Mr. Finch states that the Commission is probably at
a place where it can move forward. He is still concerned about the issue of making the
pane size proportions match what is there. The Commission can toy with this with
Montserrat and EFCO to develop a solution.
For the record, Mr. Finch states that the building is within the Central Business District
National Register Historic District.
Lewis states that it is worthwhile to get a shop drawing for the replacement window from
EFCO to help the Commission understand what the ratio of the glass will be. If there are
adjustments to the panning that are necessary, the Commission can take it from there.
Historic District Commission
Meeting Minutes – July 1, 2003
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Mr. Finch states that the Commission could make this decision contingent on the
submission of a shop drawing so that it will have the opportunity to tweak the
dimensions. This is so the Commission will have a record of what it is receiving rather
than a phone conversation.
Lewis motions to accept the aluminum replacement windows with interior and exterior
muntins and an internal spacer set in a single, double-glazed large pane, per the approval
of a shop drawings. The Commission finds that the scale of the building and the distance
that the building is viewed from the street in general is as such that it will not detract
significantly from the historic appearance of the building. The Commission finds that as
the building is an institutional building with many windows and is substantially setback
from the street, the substitution of the original windows with aluminum windows with a
specified muntin structure is acceptable. Seconded by Condon.
Discussion on the motion: Mr. Condon asks Mr. Beauvais if he is comfortable with the
motion. Mr. Beauvais requests further clarification on the nature of ratios they are
requesting. Mr. Finch states that he prefers the new windows to be as close to the
existing proportions as possible. Mr. Lewis states that the Commission and Montserrat
need to be careful that the sill does not become too thick. Mr. Finch suggests that Mr.
Beauvais speak to EFCO about a slight increase of the muntin width from ¾” to 7/8” but
he worries that may disrupt the delicate balance. He suggests that this be explored
Motion carries 3-0 (Finch, Lewis and Condon in favor).
2. Adjournment
Mr. Condon motions to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Lewis. Motion carries 5-0.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.