2003-06-10Historic District Commission
Meeting Minutes - June 10, 2003
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Public Meeting Minutes
BOARD: Historic District Commission
DATE: June 10, 2003
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: William Finch, Leah Zambernardi, James Younger
John Frates, John Condon & Matt Lewis
RECORDER: Diane Presutti
Mr. Finch calls the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
1. Monserrat College of Art - 23 Essex Street/Certificate of Appropriateness
Mr. Finch addresses the Board and explains the preservation restriction that was accepted
by the College when they purchased 23 Essex Street, the old Hardy School. He continues
to explain the procedure of review and states that the building owner will do a
presentation regarding his application for a Certificate of Appropriateness. Following the
presentation, the Board will then entertain comments from the public. The Public Hearing
will then be closed and the Board will go into a regular meeting session.
Mr. Finch also states that the College wishes to replace wood single glaze windows and
storms with double glaze aluminum replacements with simulated muntin grids on the
exterior with aluminum panning over the existing frame and sills.
Mr. Mark Glovsky, speaking on behalf of the College as a Board member, not as an
attorney approaches the Board. He states that he was involved with the negotiations and
purchase of the building in 1999. He continues to give a historical perspective of the Old
Hardy School. He states that the college has enjoyed being in Beverly and they have
established a positive relationship with the city. He states that the school has no real
endowment. They are working to increase their endowment. They have acquired and
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invested in other properties. He states that now that the college is under new leadership,
he is confident that it will stay on track to generate new revenue and to invest in its
Mr. Glovsky states that the old wood frame building on Essex and Winter Streets is not in
the Historic District. At the time of purchase, the Board agreed to enter into the
agreement concerning the façade. The Board never thought the restriction would have
such an impact on the College. He continues to explain that they need a safe building
while at the same time staying within budget. The building is about 100 years old and is
not registered. He states that most buildings that are registered or in the Historic District
are of a different age. He also states that Chapter 40C will be guidance to the Board in
their decision to grant a COA. He continues that if the Board denies a COA, then the
College might apply for a Certificate of Hardship. He also urges the Board to view
structures in the area. He notes that there has not been a great effort in the area to
maintain strict architectural integrity.
In closing, Mr. Glovsky states that the preservation restriction specifically excludes storm
windows, air conditioners and storm doors. He states the college wishes to stay within
budget guidelines and due to the circumstances of glass falling out of the windows, it is
dangerous and unsafe for the students and faculty. He also states that the first thing on
their time line is to address the windows due to their bad condition.
Mr. Stan Trecker, President, Montserrat College of Art, address the Board. He begins by
explaining the context of the college. He became president 9 months ago. He is
concerned about the perceptions of the college. He states that the college and the City of
Beverly have a beneficial relationship. He also states that the downtown merchants
appreciate the student population.
Mr. Trecker continues to explain how Montserrat College of Art has an advantage as well
as a competitive edge with neighboring art schools, which are within a 150-mile radius.
Montserrat College of Art is the only college not in an inner city. He states that the Board
is concerned about marketing the college. The appearance of the facility is the heart of
the matter. The building does not present well. Therefore, the first priority is the
windows. He states it is not just for appearance, but also due to heat loss and discomfort
in classrooms. He states the college has had difficulty balancing the budget in the past;
therefore, cost is a prime concern in this venture.
He refers to documents distributed regarding the windows they submitted for approval.
He states that these selections are not state of the art but are within their budget. He states
that redoing the current windows would cost them 40% more.
In closing, he states that the Montserrat College of Art wants to work with the Historic
District Commission and understands the Board’s concerns. He also urges the Board to
understand their financial limits. Their projected surplus for the year is only .08 percent.
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The college wishes to maintain integrity of building and wants the college to grow and
Robert Beauvais, Facilities Director, Montserrat College of Art approaches the Board.
He reviews the cost comparison he distributed to the Board members. He states Option 1
would be replacing 120 windows with 240 sashes. Option 2 would be to repair all
windows. Option 3 would be to build new wood windows. He states that Option 2 and
Option 3 would incur significant costs in the long-term.
Mr. Younger addresses Mr. Beauvais regarding the 10-year warranty and the finish.
Mr. Beauvais states there is a 10-year warranty on the windows and the finish is enamel
paint or anodized.
Mr. Beauvais states that there are two samples installed in the school and the beige one is
anodized, the green one is painted.
Younger asks of the brick molds are in poor condition. Mr. Bouvais states they are in
poor condition. Younger states that it may be possible to manipulate the frame to match
the dimensions of the existing window.
Mr. Beauvais states that he researched and received quotes on all but one of the options.
Mr. Finch addresses the Board for further questions or comments.
Mr. Finch asks for a motion to open the meeting to the public.
Mr. Younger motions to open meeting to the public, seconded by Mr. Frates.
Motion carries 5-0.
Meeting is opened to the public at 7:35 p.m.
Mr. Phil Broderick, 47 Hillside Avenue, states he is thrilled to see what the college has
done for the city. He asks if the new windows would increase fuel efficiency. Mr.
Bouvais states that the windows are double-glazed. One is filled with argon gas. He
does not have the R-Values available to him.
Mr. Steve Prichard, 22 Dane Street, addresses Mr. Beauvais regarding fuel costs and
savings with new windows.
Mr. Beauvais states that the college is in the process of getting an audit done by the gas
company. He also states that the windows are over 100 years old and are covered with
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plastic every winter. He states that wood windows and double-glazing would be
preferable but they are too expensive.
Mr. Don MacQuarrie, 91 Hart Street, Beverly Co-operative Bank, states on behalf of the
bank they are very impressed with the college. The college revitalized the city and the
bank will support the college’s approach regarding building repairs. He also states that
the building is in need of additional work also and they need to spread their funds out
over various problems. He hopes that Montserrat could find a middle ground with the
Mr. Steve Prichard, 22 Dane Street, states that he supports the project.
Mr. John Drislane, Beaver Pond Road, Trustee of Montserrat College of Art states that he
is aware of the tight budget and asks the Board to be flexible with the College regarding
their application.
Ms. Susan Mueller, Beverly Chamber of Commerce states that the Montserrat has been
very generous. Also the merchants have benefited from the college and she supports the
college regarding this matter.
Mary Ellen Smiley, Director, Beverly Historical Society and Museum, states she supports
the project. She also states that the school is not on the register. She states that the school
has revitalized Beverly and they need to reasonably maintain building.
Mr. Dan Loans, 7 Quincy Park, states he supports the college’s request and feels the
importance of the building is its massing and relationship to the common and the library.
He prefers wood windows but aluminum are a reasonable alternative. The building also
needs repointing and soffit work. He feels this is just one of the many things that need to
be done to the college.
Mr. Neale Attenborough, 5 Wadsworth Place, on behalf of his wife, Luisa Attenborough,
Trustee of Montserrat College of Art states that Mrs. Attenborough has done their annual
fundraiser to help the faculty. Mr. & Mrs. Attenborough would support the
recommendation on the table. The new options are better than what exists. He is the
Chairman/CEO of Appleseeds and he states it is important to have a healthy college and
to commercialize the talents of the art students.
Ms. Jean Glover, 20 Essex Street, states he has been a resident of Beverly for 35 years
and the college students have been a breath of fresh air. She also states that she is nor for
or against the COA and leaves that to the HDC but she does question only a 10-year
warranty. She also comments on the administration office concerning the unfinished paint
job and asks that they complete it.
Mr. John Condon questions if North Shore Community College did any repairs or
improvements while they occupied the building prior to the college’s purchase.
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Mr. Glovsky states that NSCC nor the City of Beverly did repairs or improvements.
Mr. Finch asks the public for any further comments and questions.
Mr. Finch asks for a motion to close public hearing.
Mr. Glovsky states that Mr. Ron Costa, currently in the building at another meeting, may
appear to comment.
Mr. Finch states that the meeting will be re-opened if Mr. Costa arrives.
Mr. Younger motions to close public hearing, seconded by Mr. Frates.
Motion carries 5-0.
Mr. Finch states that the restrictions were not through the request of the community but
by the process of selling to the school. Mr. Glovsky clarifies that he worked closely with
the City to structure proposals for the college. There were many proposals such as
condominiums that would change the building massing. The restriction was placed on
the building so there would be no major change to the exterior.
Mr. Finch states that this meeting is for a positive interchange and problem solving.
Mr. Younger asks the Board to clarify Certificate of Hardship.
Mr. Finch states that an applicant would need to demonstrate a clear lack of financial
ability to deal with cost. Mr. Glovsky states that real life constraints should be part of the
Mr. Frates asks for confirmation that the lower windows currently covered with plywood
will be bricked up. He also asks for clarifications concerning the vandal grills, air
conditioning, screens, soffit repair, insulation, boiler, unit ventilators, school house
regulations, building codes, and their long term overall plan of improvements
Mr. Beauvais states that the interior is currently a dark room for photography. He also
states that the brick molding will be set back 1-inch or so to maintain the integrity of the
window location. He also states that the intent will be to refurbish and reinstall the wood
windows with arched tops. They will maintain the shape of the window. The upper
window grills are rusted and will be removed. He continues that there is no air-
conditioning. There are screens. He states that the soffit will eventually be repaired and
upgraded to copper. He states that only the attic is insulated and there is a large difference
in the winter when plastic is placed over the windows. He continues and states that a
separate boiler was installed to handle one end of the building. He also states that there is
proper ventilation in place to filter out fumes due to chemistry lab and assures Mr. Frates
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that there is 100% air exchange. He also assures the Board that the college is meeting all
regulations and codes.
Mr. Younger states the issue they are dealing with tonight is the windows. These are part
of what an overall facilities plan would include. He is not sure that Montserrat will get
the return on the investment they’re after. A 10-year window will also need maintenance.
It is a quick fix. The Commission will refrain on commentary on this. It will comment
on the windows per Chapter 40C.
Mr. Younger states that Chapter 40C gives us a set of guidelines for decision making. He
also states that the college image is important and understands windows being at the top
of the repair list. He also states that a precedent is important and the Beverly Public
Library and Oceanview are not under Chapter 40C review.
Mr. Finch states that is it also important to understand that the fall back of Chapter 40C is
the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards. It is apparent that something needs to be done
to these windows and the cost will be significant.
Mr. Lewis questions if the aluminum windows can be installed in brick moldings.
Mr. Finch states that if the proportions of the windows change, it reduces the character of
the building. The brick mold affects the proportions.
Mr. Younger states the proportions of the windows are unclear and asks Mr. Beauvais to
consult with vendors to reconstruction of window can be made to gain back lost inches.
Mr. Finch asks that Mr. Beauvais explore the possibility of a full muntin system with full
interior spacers. This window creates an obvious shadow without the spacers.
Mr. Beauvais states that if this suggestion would be accepted by the Board, he could
install a sample one for them to view if the Board is leaning toward this decision.
Mr. Finch states he is not sure if the HDC feels that aluminum is the route they wish to go
rather than wood; the HDC still has reservations but this configuration of muntins may be
one way to improve appearance. He states that the Commission may visit a location with
such windows already installed rather than have Montserrat install another set of
Mr. Finch states that the proportion of sash is still in question and also the thin line
muntin grid. The existing muntin is 1” wide. The proposed pane size is narrower. The
existing has a wider pane and muntins.
Mr. Frates asks Ms. Zambernardi if the Planning Department has reviewed this
application and/or commented.
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Ms. Zambernardi states that she has spoken to Ms. Hurlburt. She also states that she has
researched a hotel in the Back Bay area of Boston and spoke to William Young, Planner.
She states that the hotel was allowed vinyl due to the large number of windows that
needed to be replaced. She also states that the ground floor level windows were
preserved and vinyl was allowed on the other floors, which were higher up and not as
visible to the public as they would be if they were on the ground floor. She continues by
stating that in another case, aluminum replacements were allowed only when replacing
non-original windows or metal windows.
Mr. Finch states that the college only has two floors. He states that a decision does not
need to be made now but they do not wish to drag this out. He reiterates stating aluminum
is a less expensive option with different parameters vs. wood. Mr. Younger asks Ms.
Zambernardi to continue her research on other institutional examples.
Mr. Lewis states he could provide the Mr. Beauvais with a manufacturer that may be able
to meet their requirements.
Mr. Trecker states that his team is happy to research and feels the Board is moving along
with the college down the right road to reach an agreement and solution.
Ms. Zambernardi states that the Board has sixty days to render a decision being July 5.
Mr. Finch asks for a motion. Mr. Younger makes a motion that the HDC explore options
presented in the C.O.A. by Montserrat College of Art application materials and focus
around various configurations of aluminum windows with respect to the size of the
muntins and the ability to duplicate proportions of existing wood windows in aluminum
replacement windows with input from Mr. Beauvais and Ms. Zambernardi regarding
Boston’s HDC or other local examples. Seconded by Lewis. Motion carries 5-0.
Mr. Younger motions to reconvene in three weeks time, and to conduct a site visit prior
to the meeting, seconded by Mr. Condon. Motion carries 5-0.
2. Meeting Minutes
Mr. Finch asks for a motion to accept the March 19, 2003 and April 8, 2003 minutes.
Mr. Condon motions to accept seconded by Mr. Younger. Motion carries 6-0.
3. New or Other Business
Mr. Finch states that in 1969 the HDC wrote and published a historical pamphlet. He
states that the Beverly Historical Society wants to reproduce it and has asked the Board
for a motion to grant permission to the BHS.
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Mr. Younger motions to grant authority to BHS to reproduce the 1969 booklet, seconded
by Mr. Lewis. Motion carries 5-0.
Ms. Zambernardi informs the Board that an ENHC grant has been awarded to the City to
conduct a study on the front hallway and stairway finishes of City Hall and a draft should
be out for Commission review by the end of October.
4. Adjournment
Mr. Condon motions to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Lewis. Motion carries 5-0.
Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.