2003-03-19Historic District Commission Meeting Minutes – March 19, 2003 Page 1 City of Beverly Public Meeting Minutes BOARD: Historic District Commission SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: March 19, 2003 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: William Finch, Matt Lewis, James Younger, John Condon, John Frates BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Leah Zambernardi RECORDER: Cheryl Lamont (tape) Chairman Finch called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M. Recommendation to City Council: Moving of Soldier’s and Sailor’s Monument from Monument Square to Veteran’s Memorial Park. Chairman Finch explains that the Veteran’s Group has made a proposal to move the Soldier’s and Sailor’s Monument from Monument Square to the center of Odell/Veteran’s Memorial Park. The City Council has this request under consideration. The City Council and Ron Costa, as the Ward II Councilor, have asked the Historic Commission, as the keeper of the historical goods, for their opinion as it pertains to this move. Lewis inquires about who is presenting this move and if there are any plans that go along with the move. Chairman Finch explains that it is the Veteran’s Group, with John Petronzio as their spokesperson, who has presented this move and that Finch has not seen any plans. Finch did attend a meeting of the City Council Subcommittee last week when the proposed move was discussed, no construction documents were presented. The Veteran’s Group plans on re-erecting the monument in the middle of the park at a cost of $50,000.00 - $60,000.00. Finch was not clear if that was an old or current Finch stated that Tom Scully, representing Parks and Recreation, has made a recommendation not to approve the move. He made a number of comments on the hodge podge nature and lack of planning as it relates to previous monuments placed in that park. There was a lot of testimony at that meeting against the proposal, including some City Councilors. Also at stake are issues of patriotism. Historic District Commission Meeting Minutes – March 19, 2003 Page 2 Condon feels that designating a monument to each war conflict would not allow anyone to walk through the park. He states that the concrete pad in the middle of the park was taken out because they were not sure it could support a monument. He would like to see the monument left where it is. Chairman Finch explains that this proposal is presented every couple of years by the Veteran’s Group. Finch wonders about the possible damage that could be caused by moving or disassembling the monument. A demolition permit would be required for disassembly and reconstruction of the monument. He does not see any pressing reason to move it. Lewis states that “Monument Square” is the rightful home of this historically significant monument. Younger feels rather than move this historically significant monument, this request should be viewed as an opportunity to create a new monument, designed to be built in the context of Odell/Veteran’s Memorial Park. Chairman Finch explains that Jake Petronzio was not at the previous City Council meeting and the City Council will meet again next week regarding this issue. This is why this meeting was called for the Historic District Commission to compose an opinion. Chairman Finch states that the monument is part of the Central Business District and is listed on the National Register as being a contributing element of the district. If public monies, particularly state or federal monies are expended for the move, then it clearly has to go to the State Historic Commission under Chapter 106 for review of regulations. Chairman Finch explains that in accordance with the City’s demolition ordinance which includes structures, as well as buildings, any moving or disassembly of the monument would require a demolition permit. Younger makes a motion that the Commission recommend the Soldier’s and Sailor’s Monument at Monument Square not be moved for the following reasons: 1. The Monument is historically significant and much of its signicance is associated with its context. 2. The Monument does not cause any life safety risk and it’s structural integrity does not appear to be compromised. 3. In the event that the Monument were moved, the monument would be subject to potential damage. Lewis seconds. Motion passes 4-0-1 (Finch, Lewis, Condon, Younger in favor) (Frates in abstention). The Commission favors the erection of a new monument in Odell/Veteran’s Memorial Park Historic District Commission Meeting Minutes – March 19, 2003 Page 3 Frates states that he chooses to abstain as he is a veteran of WWII, and that with the historic significance of this evening (War with Iraq), he feels that he cannot make an unbiased decision. Historic House Marker Program: Discussion of implementing the program . Zambernardi has handouts for Board Members and would like the Board’s input about implementing, once again, the Historic House Marker Program through the Planning Department. The Planning Department as well as the Historical Society has had several telephone calls with inquiries about this program. Zambernardi has researched many other cities and has separate information about how each of them runs this program in their City. She has put together information about criteria of who would be eligible. There was some concern over the guidelines to be used to implement and enforce this program over time. For instance, what happens to the building marker when a new owner installs vinyl siding on a building changing the architectural character. Language has been developed in the program guidelines, that leaves the marker under the ownership of the Historic Commission. Zambernardi states that the cost of the marker would be $100.00 with some of that money going to a private research person who would be authenticating the date of the property. She asks for input from Board Members. Chairman Finch is in favor of relying on information that can be found on survey forms and/or common sense observations of houses rather than getting complex information from research. Condon wonders what would stop someone from putting up their own sign on their house and Finch states that they could not stop anyone from copying the signs unless you want to put a copyright on it and try to enforce it. Chairman Finch has not noticed any signs put up except the ones installed when the program ran previously. Younger questions the maintenance of the marker and wonders how the placement of the marker on each residence can be kept uniformly located. Board Members feel that if a historic district property owner will spend $100.00 to identify their property, they probably will do the right thing by maintaining the marker and placing it on their building in the proper location. Chairman Finch makes a suggestion that Zambernardi drive through Beverly to see if there are markers on houses that have been sided. If Zambernardi finds some, Chairman Finch does not think that the restriction should be a criterion. Chairman Finch does not think that the money can be taken from the homeowner and held in escrow to be used in research on troubled and difficult signs. Condon feels that there needs to be some specific definition of where the money goes. Chairman Finch wonders if homeowners will be given back $40.00 if no research is required on their homes. Board Members question if this is a fee and ask Zambernardi to discuss this with Historic District Commission Meeting Minutes – March 19, 2003 Page 4 the City Solicitor. She replies that she has run this by him. Chairman Finch states that there could be some potential legal issues about the concept of removing the sign if they violate the terms under which it is put up, because to remove it would necessitate coming on to their property. Chairman Finch feels that the marker should not be viewed as City of Beverly property and that when the purchase is made it should belong to them. If they deface it then something should be done about it. That homeowner should get a letter asking him to remove the marker. Zambernardi feels that the whole purpose of this program is in celebration of the age of the historic home and that a violation to this marker would be secondary. Chairman Finch feels that they should go into this program feeling that the owners of historic homes would treat the markers properly. Frates would like to see this issue placed on the table until Zambernardi checks with the Financial Officer for his comments and input especially since money is involved. Younger makes a motion to authorize Zambernardi to proceed with implementing the program. Condon seconds. All in favor. Motion passes. Approval of Minutes of December 18, 2002 Condon makes a motion to approve the minutes of December 18, 2002. Younger seconds. All in favor. Motion passes. Election of Officers for 2003 Condon makes a motion to nominate William Finch as Chairman of the Historic District Commission. Lewis seconds. All in favor. Motion passes. Chairman Finch makes a motion to nominate James Younger as Vice Chairman of the Historic District Commission. Condon seconds. All in favor. Motion passes. Chairman Finch asks Zambernardi about the election of a Secretary. Zambernardi clarified that a Secretary “may be elected” and that a Chairman and Vice Chairman “must” be elected. New or Other Business Zambernardi stated that the Mayor had expressed an interest several months ago about cleaning up the front entrance hallway and stairway at City Hall. The maintenance company brought in their consultant (Andrea Goodwin) to take a look and see what kind of work could be done with the floor, wall cladding, faux painted doors (inner doors) and terrazzo flooring. They came up with an estimate of what the study would entail. The study included an analysis of the finish, testing of cleaning procedures, testing of samples and issuing samples of finishes. Zambernardi explained that there is an ENHC Grant available that the Mayor said could be followed up on. Zambernardi called the Grants Office and they stated that this project Historic District Commission Meeting Minutes – March 19, 2003 Page 5 could quality for this available grant. Chairman Finch states that the Historical Society will be applying for a grant as well but they are unsure of what they will be applying for. Chairman Finch makes a motion to support the City Hall grant application. Condon seconds. Motion passes. Adjournment Younger makes a motion to adjourn. Condon seconds. All in favor. Motion passes. Meeting is adjourned at 8:20 P.M.