08.18.2020 BPB MinutesCITY OF BEVERLY
Planning Board Meeting
August 18, 2020
Google Meet virtual meeting
Members Present
Chair Ellen Hutchinson,Vice Chair Alexander Craft, Sarah
Bartley, Derek Beckwith, Ellen Flannery, Wayne Miller, Andrea
Members Absent:
Allison Kilcoyne
Others Present:
Planning Director Darlene Wynne
Jodi Byrne
Call to Order
Chair Ellen Hutchinson calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and reads a prepared statement
introducing the meeting, the authority to hold a remote meeting, public access and public
participation, and meeting ground rules. She takes roll call attendance.
Members, when I call your name, please respond in the affirmative. Names of members.
Sarah Bartley Allison Kilcoyne (absent)
Derek Beckwith Wayne Miller
Alexander Craft Ellen Hutchinson
Ellen Flannery Andrea Toulouse
The Chair then read the script describing the reasons, permissions, and ground rules for holding a
remote public meeting.
1. Subdivision Approval Not Required Plans
a.20 Sylvan Road / 25 Pine Road David Alberts / Francis DeVeillis & Heather
Attorney Bill Heney provides a brief review of this project on behalf of his client, stating that it
is a straightforward ANR plan. Attny. Heney says that Francis DeVeillis is giving up a portion of
impact to the frontage and brings the lot more in compliance with the zoning requirements of this
Hutchinson confirms with Attny. Heney that there is no change in the setback or frontage. There
are no further questions from the Board.
Motion to endorse the SANR at 20 Sylvan Road. Bartley seconds the
motion. There is a roll call vote with each member voting yes: Sarah
Bartley, Derek Beckwith, Vice Chair Alexander Craft, Ellen Flannery,
Wayne Miller, Andrea Toulouse, and Chair Ellen Hutchinson. The motion
passes (7-0).
Motion to recess for Public Hearing. Beckwith seconds the motion. There
is a roll call vote with each member voting yes: Sarah Bartley, Derek
Beverly Planning Board
Meeting Minutes
August 18, 2020
Beckwith, Vice Chair Alexander Craft, Ellen Flannery, Wayne Miller,
Andrea Toulouse, and Chair Ellen Hutchinson. The motion passes (7-0).
2. Public Hearing: Definitive Subdivision Plan Livingston Avenue (Map 9 Lots 370, 371,
and 372) Extending Livingston Avenue by approximately 280 feet and creating 2 new
buildable lots and 1 unbuildable lot 7 Porter Terrace LLC.
Planning Director Darlene Wynne reads the public notice. Bob Griffin presents on behalf of his
client. Griffin provides a detailed review of the project, which creates two 10,000 sq. ft. lots. He
shows an image of the proposed lot lines and says that this project proposes to extend the road
access from 21 Porter Terrace and then add a 24 x 24 easement for vehicle turnaround. Griffin
states that the plans are compliant with R10 zoning requirements. Griffin reviews the plans for
water, sewer, and gas lines, and then shows the site images with the two building areas and the
proposed turnaround. He says that Lot 2 will have the house pushed back in order to provide
ample room in front of the garage and will not interfere with the turnaround.
Griffin then shows the stormwater drainage plan, stating that there will be no tie in to the City
draining system. He says that the plan will utilize lot runoff from the roof that will direct water to
an infiltration structure of catch basins infiltrating the water into the ground. Griffin states that
this stormwater plan was shared with the City and that he did receive supportive feedback. He
states that this plan will not bring any increase of run-off to the area and will meet the
requirements for the 100-year storm.
Griffin reports that the Parking and Traffic Commission also reviewed this project, requesting
that he extend sidewalks to the driveway of Lot 2. In addition, Parking and Traffic requested
10 ft. of grade change, 6% slope, with a high point for the water infiltration system. Griffin then
Miller asks if there is a plan for street lights. Griffin says that while there are none, power poles
will be installed that could host lighting. It is confirmed that both houses have south facing
backyards and that there are no trees shading this area.
Flannery asks what type of HOA will be in place for these two homes. Griffin says that the two
homes will split the cost of road maintenance and upkeep. He also says that both houses will
have residential sprinkler systems as discussed with the Fire Department. Griffin confirms that
there will be a stop sign at the end of Livingston Avenue.
Hutchinson asks how the infiltration systems will be maintained. Griffin answers that the catch
basins are the most important, and that both will have an isolator row feature separating any dirt
that gets into the system and allowing it to be jetted out with high pressure water equipment.
Hutchinson confirms with Griffin that the two homeowners would be responsible for this
maintenance, and asks if this will be costly. Griffin says that the stormwater plan will require
regular inspections and that he does not think it will be costly. He also says that the homeowners
will need to provide street sweeping.
It is confirmed by Wynne that this proposal does not meet the threshold for minor subdivisions.
Beverly Planning Board
Meeting Minutes
August 18, 2020
says that it is planned to be an easement and not a separate parcel. Griffin states that if this
easement were a separate parcel, the corner of the garage would not meet the R10 setback
requirements. Griffin then addresses the request to eliminate the tail on Lot 2; he notes that this is
possible. Hutchinson addresses concerns that the easement be kept free from parking to ensure
Fire Department access. Griffin suggests the addition of no parking signs. Hutchinson states that
the road must be kept clear and maintained.
Flannery asks about the snow removal plan. Griffin says there will be room on both sides of the
street and sidewalk for normal snow removal. He also notes that there will be a graded
depression area where snow can be pushed from the street. Flannery says that she hopes the
neighbors join the same HOA for snow removal.
Craft requests that the individual infiltration area for roof runoff is included in the HOA. Griffin
agrees and also states that he will incorporate all of the new updates from the City Engineer
except the recommendation that the turnaround be a separate parcel, noting the previously
mentioned need to keep R10 zoning requirements.
Griffin says that the project is planning to use hammering instead of blasting to remove any
ledge, but that nothing is definite until construction begins. He states that he does not expect to
encounter ledge, and that the only deeper digging will be the area running utility pipes.
Hutchinson requests more information on the current flows of water on Livingston Avenue and
the two lots. Griffin says that he added the landscape wall along the west and south boundaries
so that all of the backyard water would be directed away from neighbors and into the infiltration
system. He says that no water should be pushed onto neighboring properties, and that this plan
should produce a reduction of runoff due to the two large infiltration systems. Griffin states that
the infiltration will send water into the ground instead of onto Livingston Avenue.
Craft asks if the proposed landscape wall is part of the stormwater management plan. Griffin
says that while the whole plan includes the landscape in its calculations, they are not specifically
relying on the wall. Griffin says that the easement will not pose any negative effect on other
Wynne reads and summarizes the letters on file.
Hutchinson says that members from the public may raise their hand or send a chat message to be
identified as speakers.
Speakers from the Public:
1.Colleen Ahearn and Brendan Wynne - 17 Porter Terrace
Ahearn reports that the ledge hammering on the new lot for 21 Porter Terrace has been
continuous for the past two weeks. She asks Griffin if it is financially sound for this new project
to jackhammer rather than blast, and she requests information of when this will be decided.
Beverly Planning Board
Meeting Minutes
August 18, 2020
Griffin says he does not know the threshold right now, and that they can also consider hydraulic
splitting. He states that test pits should help determine, and that he will provide more information
at the next meeting.
Brendan Wynne shares his concern that the runoff from the new properties will flow into their
backyard and asks that the landscape wall be made a part of the HOA so that it is not removed.
2.Dennis and Susan Lynch - 7 Porter Terrace
Dennis Lynch asks about the easement changes and original proposal for drainage by the City
Engineer. He also asks if the drainage plan should be subject to a civil engineering peer review to
determine if this build will affect his property. Griffin answers that the dog leg is to provide
additional area for Lot 2 and to accommodate the size of the turnaround easement on Lot 2.
reviewed by City engineers. Griffin says that the ledge removal should not affect other
properties, but if any damage occurs it will be repaired. Darlene Wynne reports that the primary
reason the peer review occurred during the prior review was because there was no City Engineer
at that time.
3.Bradley Pommerleau - 36 Ashton Street
Pommerleau says that the proposed plan shows a street light that would be within five ft. of his
yard and would shine into his house, and he requests that it be placed in a less intrusive spot. He
also notes a discrepancy on the blueprints in the amount of additional sq. ft. for Livingston
Terrace. Pommerleau shares concerns with a stagnant water issue and the 2 ft. wide curb cut
planned on Livingston that could cause water to pour into his yard. Griffin says that the planned
system is above the ground water area directing water to infiltrate into the ground.
Pommerleau confirms with Griffin that the two homes will not have basements or underground
utility wires. Pommerleau notes his concern of the cutting of natural woods and animal habitats
in the affected area. Lastly, Pommerleau verifies that this project has been approved by the Fire
Department. Griffin responds that the overhead lines are planned to lessen the need for
hammering of ledge. He also says that the Planning Board did receive an email stating that the
Fire Department
Mass Highway standards, Griffin says that the materials of construction specifications have not
changed since 1995 except for the use of the metric system. Griffin agrees to include erosion
controls in the plan for post construction.
Griffin says that his client would be willing to meet with neighbors regarding hammering or
blasting plans. Hutchinson states that there are ordinances that limit construction work to not
occur on Sundays.
4.Katie Perron 32 Ashton Street.
Perron confirms that the new houses will have either cement slabs or crawl spaces. She asks
where the water runoff will be directed and if the boulder wall could run the entire length of the
buffer zone. She thanks Griffin for the added sidewalk plan and requests that utility lines be
underground so that other homes could tie into them. She also requests that they relook at the
Beverly Planning Board
Meeting Minutes
August 18, 2020
access considering a one-way street with no turnaround. She suggests that this plan creates
10 new houses on the street, and asks about some of the verbiage in the document.
Griffin responds that he will tighten up any unclear language in the proposal. He also reports that
there will be a silt fence in place during construction. He says that the boulder wall is in place to
hold a small grading change and that he is happy to run it to the buffer lines. Griffin states that
this project is a 2 house project and not a 10 house project, and notes that the City could add one
parcel in the future. Regarding any other tie-in to utilities, Griffin says that this would be for a
bigger project and that this is not the right course of action for this small project. He reports that
the 2 ft. curb cutout is not intended for every storm, only for large storms when the water is not
able to go to the catch basin. Lastly, Griffin says that a one-way road is not desirable to the
5.Damen Nisula - 5 Porter Terrace
Nisula states concern with snow removal and the long-term maintenance of the infiltration
system. Griffin says that the HOA is designed to handle both of these issues.
6.Debbie McLaughlin - 15 Porter Terrace
McLaughlin shares her concerns with how the HOA will be maintained. She asks for a
description of the plastic containment systems and how they will help to prevent roof runoff into
her yard. Griffin says that the plastic containers are open like a shell, ¼ inch thick and designed
to have vehicles run over them. Griffin states that the containment system is planned to prevent
any runoff. McLaughlin asks the location of the easement turnaround to the wet line of the
stream, and Griffin reports that it is located 100 ft. from the stream. It is also noted that the
7.Chris McAlpine - 17 Upland Road
McAlpine says that she shares the same concerns other neighbors have addressed. She reports
that past construction projects did not keep their promises to neighbors, and problems have
occurred such as rodents, parking, and water issues.
8.Sue Addison - 4 Porter Terrace
Addison asks if the utilities coming off of Porter Street will affect current gas and water pressure,
and if the entire street will be upgraded. Griffin says that adding two houses should not have any
effect on this, but that he will check with the City engineer.
Hutchinson asks how customary it is that these types of easements are permitted for water lines,
sewer lines, and drains. Darlene Wynne answers that the City does see them and permits them.
Hutchinson suggests that this Public Hearing be continued until the next meeting of the Planning
Board. She says that until then, Griffin and the applicant can provide requested documents to the
City Engineer as well as follow up to the questions asked during this meeting. Derek Beckwith
requests more information on the landscape wall regarding its depth, width, and purpose.
Motion to continue this Public Hearing until the next meeting of the
Planning Board scheduled for September 15, 2020. Beckwith seconds.
Beverly Planning Board
Meeting Minutes
August 18, 2020
There is a roll call vote with each member voting yes: Sarah Bartley,
Derek Beckwith, Vice Chair Alexander Craft, Ellen Flannery, Wayne
Miller, Andrea Toulouse, and Chair Ellen Hutchinson. The motion passes
3. Discussion: PlanBeverly Master Plan Re-introductory discussion on the purpose,
process, and goals of the Comprehensive Master Plan.
Darlene Wynne reports that Associate Planner Emily Hutchings and other steering committee
members are on the call to support the presentation and answer any questions. Wynne states that
present progress. She projects a slide presentation that depicts the history of the Master Plan and
its purpose. She says that the current plan is nearing 20 years old, and that it is time to identify a
new vision. Wynne reports that the Master Plan process has included a steering committee which
includes three members from the Planning Board: Sarah Bartley, Wayne Miller, and Andrea
Wynne reviews the timeline that existed before March and the revisions made after that time due
to the COVID-19 pandemic. Wynne says that staff is now making a commitment to return to the
plan and keep it fresh, and as an administrative goal to close out this process that began one year
Wynne reports that there was productive public outreach both in-person and through online
surveys. She says that one of the prevalent issues that resulted in the public input was in the area
of affordable housing. Wynne states that this is a goal for the City and has become even more
relevant due to the pandemic. She notes the work of the CPC on this issue.
Wynne shows a slide revealing that property taxes make up a large majority of the City budget,
noting that growth is necessary in order to keep housing affordable, support fiscal sustainability,
and ensure success of the local economy.
Next, Wynne reviews the vision and strategies of the Master Plan. She reports that the next steps
1.Sending edits to the consulting team to incorporate from the last round review and
incorporate into the final review draft.
2.Holding a public review period concurrent with the BPB and the City Council
3.BPB and City Council meetings to review the final plan.
4.BPB to vote to adopt the plan, and then City Council to vote for acceptance.
Wynne says that the BPB can discuss the details of the plan at their next meeting in September
2020, and then plan to vote on the Master Plan during an October 2020 meeting. At that time, the
plan would go to the City Council for their approval. Wynne describes possible venues in which
the public could review. Some of these ideas include virtual viewing, small office hours, and the
use of BevCam for video presentations.
Beverly Planning Board
Meeting Minutes
August 18, 2020
Derek Beckwith asks about the draft currently stored in the Plan Beverly online folder. City
Planner Wynne states that this is just an outline draft as the narrative is still in the editing
process. She recaps that this presentation to the BPB was to refamiliarize, and that the next
meeting is for the details.
4. Approval of Minutes: 10/22/2019, 5/27/2020, 6/9/2020
The minutes for 10/22/2019 were discussed and amended as needed.
Motion to approve the 10/22/2019 minutes. Miller seconds. There is a roll
call vote with each member voting yes: Sarah Bartley, Derek Beckwith,
Vice Chair Alexander Craft, Ellen Flannery, Wayne Miller, Andrea
Toulouse, and Chair Ellen Hutchinson. The motion passes (7-0).
The minutes for 5/27/2020 were discussed and amended as needed.
Motion to approve the 5/27/2020 minutes. Beckwith seconds. There is a
roll call vote with each member voting yes: Sarah Bartley, Derek
Beckwith, Vice Chair Alexander Craft, Ellen Flannery, Wayne Miller,
Andrea Toulouse, and Chair Ellen Hutchinson. The motion passes (7-0).
The minutes for 6/9/2020 were discussed.
Motion to approve the 6/9/2020 minutes. Bartley seconds. There is a roll
call vote with each member voting yes: Sarah Bartley, Derek Beckwith,
Vice Chair Alexander Craft, Ellen Flannery, Wayne Miller, Andrea
Toulouse, and Chair Ellen Hutchinson. The motion passes (7-0).
5. Other business not known at the time of the posting of this agenda
Wynne reviews items for the next meeting of the BPB including a timing modification to the
police station, the Livingston Avenue subdivision, and the Master Plan review. She announces
that Emily Hutchings is the new Assistant Planning Director and that they are close to hiring a
new Associate Planner.
Motion to adjourn the meeting. Vice Chair Alexander Craft seconds.
There is a roll call vote with each member voting yes: Sarah Bartley,
Derek Beckwith, Vice Chair Alexander Craft, Ellen Flannery, Wayne
Miller, Andrea Toulouse, and Chair Ellen Hutchinson. The motion passes