Library Trustees Minutes June 26 2020City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: June 23, 2020, 4:00 P.M. Place: Remote Meeting on Google Meet Board members present: Margaret Altman, Mary Behrle, Marshall Handly, Colleen Michaels, -Suter Board members absen t: Others present: Allison Babin Recorder: Allison Babin meeting was being recorded. regular meeting of May 26, 2020. Roll call vote approved, 8 to 0. Myron Schirer-Suter abstained. Motion passed. Public Presentation None. Committee Reports Personnel: No report. Administration: No report. Finance: No report. Long Range Planning: No report. Report of the Library Director 1) Fiscal Year 2020 Budget: Everything is on track. While a spending freeze is in effect, subscriptions like Hoopla and service contracts are still being paid. 2) Fiscal Year 2021 Budget: The Library Director presented the budget to the City Council on June 9 and also highlighted closure services like eBooks, virtual programs and Front Door Service. The Finance and Property Committee met on June 22 and approved the budget. The final vote will take place on June 24. It is a lean budget, but in better shape than many other municipalities. Regularly scheduled part-time employees continue to be paid. Colleen Michaels asked about the morale of the staff. Allison Babin reported that morale seems good despite this challenging situation. 3) Phased Reopening: The library received approval on Sunday, May 31 from Chief of Staff Stephanie Bilotti to roll out Front Door Service (curbside pickup). The following day, the Director held a full time staff meeting on Zoom to discuss logistics. The book drop reopened on Monday, June 8 and materials immediately began to be returned. Due to an unexpected closure of the parking lot and Winter Street for sidewalk repairs, the library added a second book drop to Essex Street. The new sidewalks look great. Front Door Service successfully launched on June 15 with just over 40 people on the first day. The service has since increased to over 70 people per day. Patrons were appreciative, and cooperative with masks and social distancing. Allison Babin recognized Head of Circulation, Janice Shaw, for her excellent work in running this service. Allison Babin has created a training form for the staff on COVID-19 procedures, and installed safety signage throughout the building. Custodian Joe Bonaiuto has been a helpful partner with cleaning compliance. Allison Babin worked with phone provider Vertical and City Information Technology to customize the phone system so employees can answer incoming calls from their desk phones rather than shared phones at service desks. Some staff are also returning calls from home. Allison Babin acquired a supply of Personal Protective Equipment like face masks, face shields, and cloth face coverings and set up a station for staff. The holiday of July 4 will be closed through the summer. 4) Building Issues: Modifications to the building are still needed before the public could reenter, including glass shields at service desks, which is being overseen by Mike Collins. Front Door Service is a significant supplement to virtual services as the library is now able to provide print materials to the public again. On July 6, Front Door Service will launch at the Farms and the Bookmobile librarian will deliver materials to patrons from her car. Mike Collins has stated that on and there is no need to open doors and windows. granite capstone was installed on June 23, and the bottom of the ramp where water frequently puddles has been repayears in regard to the capstone repairs. 5) Community Engagement: The Beverly Keeps Reading challenge in the Beanstack app concluded with 535 users reading 3,561 books read toward the goal of 5,000. Librarians have been curating Black Lives Matter resources and book lists for all ages. These resources and lists are being posted on social media. An anti-racism reading group is being planned. Friends President Thalia Lewandowski and library page/Teen Advisory Board member Malia Cole presented on the Friends of the Beverly Public Library and teen renovation project at the Beverly Rotary Club meeting on June 18. The library continues to print 3D ear savers and the latest batch was delivered to employees at the Cityside Diner. Lisa Ryan recently gave a Zoom presentation about traveling to Niagara Falls to approximately 20 socially distanced attendees at the Herrick ed a wealth of resources including book talk videos, printable reading lists, and clickable eBook lists. The resources were emailed to the reading specialists and distributed to students. The library applied for a CARES grant through the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners to fund a presenter on wills, estates, and trusts, as well as a hybrid scrapbooking program that would involve a Zoom session and a physical kit of supplies for attendees to use at home. 6) Personnel: A required Respectful Workplace Training was held on June 22 for all staff. North of Boston Library Exchange (NOBLE) has been hosting useful weekly meetings for library directors. Allison Babin will continue to follow up with Human Resources to post the Assistant Library Director and Junior Custodian positions. The positions have been budgeted for start dates of August 1. In order to reopen, it is vital to have these positions filled. 7) Programs: Upcoming virtual programs include: for adults, Books and Brews, an antiracism reading group, a quilting and crafting group, and Cookbook Club; for teens, a zine making workshop, a meal in a mug series, and henna alchemy; for children, wildlife encounters, author visit with Mark Parisi, and more. Communications None. Unfinished Business None. New Business 1.Library Trustees reviewed the Acceptable Use Policy. Joanne Panunzio made the motion, seconded by Mary Behrle, to: approve the Acceptable Use Policy. Motion passed, 9-0. 2.Library Trustees reviewed the Internet Use Policy. Allison Babin shared that the policy d the process to ban users for repeated violations. Myron Schirer-Suter made the motion, seconded by Cathryn approve the Internet Use Policy. Motion passed, 9-0. 3.Library Trustees reviewed the Security Policy. Allison Babin feels that the policy as written would cover any potential violations that could happen virtually. Allison Babin also stated that the staff address issues internally whenever safely possible before consulting police. Allison Babin spoke about the relationship with the Community Impact Unit, which is often the issues. The Community Impact Unit takes a rehabilitative approach and has a social worker on staff. Marshall Handly made the motion, seconded by Margaret Altman, to: approve the Security Policy. Motion passed, 9-0. The next meeting of the board will be held virtually on Tuesday, Sept. 22 at 4PM. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:15PM.