CEAC Minutes 342020Clean Energy Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes 3/4/2020 Beverly Public Library, Fogg Room 6:30- 8:00pm Attendees: • Committee members: Sean Leach, Julia Long, Julie DeSilva, Fred Hopps, Tom Keeley • Guests: City of Salem: Sustainability and Resiliency Coordinator Esmerelda Bisono; City Councilor Scott Houseman • Citizens: Lyndon Holmes, Wayne Miller, and Dean Berg Welcome & Check In - Guest: Esmeralda from SERC Esmeralda Bisono - SERC she started part -time in Salem on Solarize project, partnering with Swampscott and Nahant on 3 different solar technologies: PV, hot water, source heat pumps (installers: Boston Solar, NE Ductless, and xx); program ends April 30 https://www.salem.com/home/ news / city - salem - joining- solarize -mass- clean- energy - program Reappointments, Fred's farewell at City Hall Fred's farewell: everyone reappointed, add < Fred's comments if he has them> Update: Pathway to 100% Resolution (Fred) Make edit: $22B in resolution US Energy Info Agency gave that figure in 2017; get the revised resolution to Mayor Cahill SERC (Salem's CEAC) meeting recap (Dean / Esmerelda) Researching ordinances of other communities to affect sustainable building regs, etc.; might align with Beverly's resolution; Reimaging Salem meeting is a great time to meet and discuss according to Fred • Citizen group presented the idea of having sustainability and community garden position at the Salem Public Schools • Sustainability grant due at the end of the month, most likely using it for electronic vehicles; Sean mentioned funding for EV charging stations is available from National Grid Resource kit for businesses April 18, 11 am to 3 pm, Green Fair at Community Life Center Earth Day event Community Aggregation (Fred) CCA is the most important thing to do as a community: there is no obligation, you can opt out, there is more choice, no risk political or otherwise, there is significant savings, the broker (e.g., Good Energy /John O'Rourke) fields all questions. If we buy electricity in bulk, we have the ability to make regional choices. 140 municipalities (including Salem) in MA are already on board. Tom suggested asking Salem to reach out to Beverly and suggest that they are getting ready to renew their CCA contract and that pricing might be positively impacted for both communities if they partner together. The Mayor is meeting soon with John O'Rourke to discuss; Julie L. should reach to the Mayor and ask to join. EV bus letter of support (Sean) MAPC and Catherine Barrett asked for a letter of support for education surrounding EVs; Sean and Julie L. worked on it and the grant has been submitted; fall EV event will include the new bus and be held at Beverly Middle School Carbon Pricing support? (Julie) Update: Earth Month /sustainability fair (Julie L, Amy) April 18 Sustainability Festival (start of April vacation) three -hour event at Endicott College with a bike component, Change is Simple, and more. April 22, 12 to 7pm MovieFest at The Cabot 1. Sponsored by Beverly Bike Committee called Mother Load 2. Glen Urqhart is the sponsor for: Pollinators 3. Is about climate change; Earth Day /Birthday; VIP lounge in the bar after each movie April 25 Sustainability Festival 11 am to 2pm at Lynch (EV component; local vendors; local musicians) Tues., April 21 3 to 5:30 BevTalks at the library (Dan Boschen bees ?) Fred to emcee; suggestions for other individuals or orgs? April 25 bike ride with MA 350 starting @10 AM at Footprint and ending at Greenergy Park, then onto Lynch Direct Energy (Sean) Random company going door -to -door and saying they have negotiated rates with the city when they haven't. Sean suggested to National Grid that they mention this at their sustainability fairs. Sean will create and share on Green Beverly a cheat sheet on the subject. Wayne commented on packet of energy legislation sent to Julie L and Mayor Cahill from Herb Brown to review, according to Wayne Miller the mayor is prepared to support it; he also met with the Mayor, the city engineer, and the city planner Aaron Clausen, and Jet Propulsion Lab regarding sea -level rise; suggested sending white papers /executive summaries re: divesting in city funds, carbon pricing and CCA Supporting statewide legislation (Fred) MA 350; 100% renewables, carbon pricing, roadmap bill, and more; Fred will work with the committee to draft and send letters of support to legislators; ED Ben Hellerstein of Environment MA would like to come when it happens Fred recommends we go "all in" on 2810 (Benson Bill) let's be the first state to pass. Motion to approve last meeting's minutes by Sean, seconded by Julie, motion approved 5 to 0 Next Meeting: Wednesday, 4/1/2020 6:30- 8:00pm