6-3-20 OSRC minutes - FINALCITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: Open Space and Recreation Committee SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: June 3, 2020 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Charlie Mann (Chair), David Brewster (Vice Chair), David Alden -St. Pierre, Todd Callaghan, Elizabeth Dunne, Marilyn McCrory, Wayne Miller, Gregory Sharp BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: 1. Call to order Jenna Pirrotta, Environmental Planner Elizabeth Keary - Soule, Shawn Mahoney, Ned Barrett Sharlyne Woodbury Mann chairs and opens the meeting at 7:00 p.m. This is a virtual meeting, held in accordance with Governor Baker's Order on temporary changes to Open Meeting Law during the State of Emergency due to the national crisis of COVID -19. 2. Members of the public opportunity to address the Committee a. Elizabeth Keary -Soule — The Trustees, Long Hill Update Keary -Soule returns to the Committee updating members on the developments at The Trustees' Long Hill property at 572 Essex Street. Her presentation includes current and historic images to detail the changes. She discusses the recent vista clearings including tree removal, as trees in the area had become overgrown. During the spring of 2020, the vistas were restored to open up the historic long -range view. Keary -Soule informs the Committee that this is a multi -phase effort. They are looking to have a more welcoming experience for visitors and they would like to increase their event space capacity at Long Hill. Events they are interested in hosting would be small weddings, nature groups, small classrooms, etc. Keary -Soule briefly details some renovations to the historic home and outlines the parking options and route connections including turnaround spot, accessible parking for the public, and ADA accessibility options are discussed. Mann inquires if the property will be members only. Keary -Soule assures their properties are open to the public and will remain so. Shawn Mahoney inquired about the public gatherings during COVID -19. Despite the social distancing efforts, the public may still enjoy the area except that the parking area is currently closed. Sharp inquiries about the collections at Long Hill and how they reflect current goals of the gardens. Keary -Soule outlines the library collections, the art collections, and the botanical collections. b. Shawn Mahoney — Bald Hill, unauthorized work Mr. Mahoney is a resident abutter in the area of the Bald Hill open space. His concern tonight is seeking assistance to maintain and enforce the preservation of the property. He has called the Beverly Police, who spoke to enforcement of people having fires in the area. Mahoney speaks to Open Space & Recreation Committee June 3, 2020 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 the public building bike jumps, digging holes, and recent fire activity in the area. Mann would like to put together a guideline of activities that are permissible within Beverly open space areas. Mann also informs Mahoney they do not have much power with policing or enforcing as this is a recommendation committee. However, they are in support of keeping Bald Hills clean and accessible. Members advise Mahoney begin the process by contacting his ward representative. Mahoney presents photos of the destruction to the area. Mann asked for members to create a subcommittee to get this process started. Miller, Mann, Alden -St. Pierre, Dunne, and Callaghan volunteer. c. Ned Barrett — Bald Hill trails Barrett comments on the increased use of the Bald Hill open space particularly with young teens expressing interest due to COVID-19, and having limited other options due to closures of other spaces. As part of a school project associated with the adjacent Centerville Elementary, Barrett and his son cleaned up some of the trails on the property. Barrett is eager to ease any nuisance in the area and keep it properly maintained. He would like to explore creating new trails that would open up some of the unused area. Mann informs Barrett that a sub - committee will define the appropriate uses for the area and asks that any activities be put on hold until guidelines for appropriate activities are established. Members and the public discuss the area further in regards to the increased activities. Brewster expresses concern at the limited size of the property and adding too many trails. Members and the public agree to go for a site walk at a date to be determined. 3. Approval of Minutes The Committee reviews the May 6, 2020 meeting minutes and offers edits. Brewster moves to accept the May 6, 2020 meeting minutes as amended. McCrory seconds. The motion carries 8 -0. 4. Principal Items of Business a. Community Preservation Committee — Representative Report McCrory provides an update on Community Preservation Committee (CPC) activities. There are minimal activities at this time. The CPC completed review of the project applications. Final CPC recommendations were sent to the City Council. Emergency housing funds were included in the recommendations. McCrory informs the Committee that her term as the CPC representative is expiring July 31, 2020 and offers the opportunity to any interested members to serve on the CPC. b. Planning Board — Representative Report Miller provides an update on Planning Board activities. There are minimal activities of interest to the Committee at this time. The finalization of the Master Plan is still delayed due to COVID -19. c. Conservation Commission — Representative Report i. Bass River — Moynihan Lumber Open Space & Recreation Committee June 3, 2020 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 Pirrotta updates the Committee on items of interest from the Conservation Commission activities. The Commission received OSRC's letter discussing the possibility for a temporary easement and installing a fence to create a public access way along the Bass River waterfront. Pirrotta provides a copy of the updated plan from the last Commission meeting. Moynihan Lumber representatives are considering the idea of creating an easement, but also need to look into Chapter 91 requirements. Members discuss the easement, what the maintenance cost to the City would be, and recommendations to support the idea. Members discuss additional funding options. d. Parcel Updates i. Green St Updates 27A - The meeting with the Mayor and the property owner was cancelled and will need to be rescheduled, with a date pending. 27X - Members discussed the installation /construction of the fence and removal of the retaining wall. ii. Other Members discuss acquiring an unbuildable parcel where there could be benefit to be wetland protections. A local resident, Wendy Pearl, expressed concern that neighbors were dumping yard waste near the wetlands. Members will further discuss the parcel. 5. Trail work approval near wetland resource areas a. Purpose & need This agenda topic was addressed in the earlier discussion on Bald Hill. b. Subcommittee & next steps This agenda topic was addressed in the earlier discussion on Bald Hill. 6. Other Business & Updates a. Master Plan Comments and Updates This is on hold until further notice, per Miller's earlier update. b. Public Outreach Members discuss ideas for increased public outreach and awareness. Alden -St. Pierre comments on the social media pages he updates regarding OSRC activities. Members discuss updating or adding a few signs in the open space areas to clearly define to the public that they are responsible for cleaning up their trash and to provide information on appropriate activities, etc. Members comment that a recent Eagle Scout project at Sally Milligan Park, where clean-up efforts were destroyed. Members note a lot of tent activity, trash in the area, and hunting. Potential Eagle Scout projects are discussed with suggestions that the Troops coordinate with Nathan Currie for possible participation in building his new trail. Callaghan suggests a clean-up project at the Pole Swamp property for an Eagle project. Members discuss the possibilities and funding options. Open Space & Recreation Committee June 3, 2020 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 c. CZM grant application Pirrotta provided a draft letter for the Committee to review and consider submitting in support of the City's grant application for a feasibility study for coastal vulnerability efforts at Obear Park. Callaghan informs the Committee that his office is the entity providing the funds and will abstain from voting. Alden St. Pierre moves to accept grant letter as drafted. Dunne seconds. Callaghan abstains. The motion carries 7 -0 -1. 7. Future Agenda Items Pirrotta mentions there are several members with upcoming expiring terms that will need reappointing. McCrory reiterates her CPC seat is expiring as of July 31, 2020. Adjournment Brewster moves to adjourn the meeting at 8:57 p.m. Callaghan seconds. The motion carries 8 -0. Next Meeting: July 8, 2020, 7 pm.