5-6-20 OSRC minutes - FINALCITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: Open Space and Recreation Committee SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: May 6, 2020 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Charlie Mann (Chair), David Brewster (Vice Chair), David Alden -St. Pierre, Elizabeth Dunne, Todd Callaghan, Marilyn McCrory, Wayne Miller, Gregory Sharp BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Jenna Pirrotta, Environmental Planner OTHERS PRESENT: Kyle Sweeney RECORDER: Sharlyne Woodbury Mann opens the meeting at 7:05 p.m. via Google Hangouts Meet and reads the opening statement detailing the suspension of certain provisions of Open Meeting Law and the allowance of this virtual meeting due to COVID -19. Mann also reads the meeting ground rules for an effective meeting and accurate minutes. 2. Members of the public opportunity to address the Committee There were no members of the public wishing to address the Committee. 3. Approval of Minutes Members review and offer edits for the March 4, 2020 meeting minutes. Callaghan moves to accept the March 4, 2020 meeting minutes as amended. Brewster seconded. The motion carries 8 -0. 4. Principal Items of Business a. Community Preservation Committee — Representative Report McCrory reports on updates from the Community Preservation Committee. There are minimal activities at this time. b. Planning Board — Representative Report Miller reports on updates from the Planning Board activities. There have been no major developments recently, due to COVID -19. Miller reports the Planning Board has concerns with finalizing the Master Plan since in person meetings are cancelled. Planning Board members believe the finalization should be delayed until such a time that the public can fully participate, either virtually or through an in- person meeting format. Planning Board members believe an in -depth review of the current version of the draft Master Plan is merited as recent changes due to COVID -19 demonstrate a shift in priorities that should be reflected in the plan. Committee members weigh in. Mann asks members for feedback about submitting a letter in support of delaying the finalization of the Master Plan. Pirrotta will draft the letter for submittal. Miller moves to draft a letter to the Master Plan Committee to delay finalization of the plan, as discussed. Callaghan seconded. The motion carries 8 -0. c. Conservation Commission — Representative Report Open Space & Recreation Committee May 6, 2020 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 i. Waring School Pirrotta updates the Committee on the soccer field encroachment. The Conservation Commission voted in favor of requesting that the Solicitor's Office take up the encroachment issue and proceed with next steps. The Solicitor's Office would need to proceed with discussions with the Waring School. ii. Community Public Garden Members discuss the new community garden proposed to be located at the end of Emily Way, to replace the existing gardens on Cole Street. The Engineering Department would construct the initial layout, including the roadway and water service and the rest would be conducted by the garden managers. Callaghan updates the Committee on the configuration of the internal roadway and assures the Committee that there is plenty of parking within the site. Discussion turns to the initial proposal for the addition of crushed asphalt for the roadway, but the addition of roadway materials will be held off for the first year to determine whether this treatment is necessary. The Conservation Commission included conditions in the Determination of Applicability prohibiting the use of pesticides and non - organic materials for the garden. The Engineering Department will look into purchasing organic soil or importing soil for the plots, as it is unlikely that the compost from the City compost site on Standley Street would meet the organic criteria. Members discuss the difference in size from the old location to the new location. Callaghan describes how the current Community Garden is run and speaks to the plot configuration. d. Parcel Updates i. Green St Updates The meeting between the Mayor and the property owner of the 27A parcel was cancelled and will need to be rescheduled. Members discussed the installation and construction of the fence and removal of the retaining wall at the 27X parcel. This is on the Department of Public Services' list to be completed. ii. Bass River The Conservation Commission is still waiting to receive a restoration plan, as required per an Enforcement Order issued for unauthorized work. Mann suggests requesting a temporary easement for a public access walkway be incorporated into the restoration plan since the area is under construction. Members agree with the idea and further discuss the easement possibilities. The easement would not impact the restoration as it does not require giving up space or decrease property value. An easement in this area would align with the City's desire for a waterfront walkway along Bass River. It is suggested Conservation Commission may be able to request that the property owner include a public access walkway through a temporary easement into the restoration plan. Mann inquires to the Committee whether they would like to submit a letter to the Conservation Commission in support of creating a temporary easement. Pirrotta will draft the letter. Callaghan moves to send a letter to the Conservation Commission encouraging the restoration plan to include a temporary easement as a continuation of waterfront walkway along the river. Alden -St. Pierre seconds. The motion carries 8 -0. iii. Harbor Management Authority — mapping Callaghan provides updates from the Harbor Management Authority (HMA). HMA has the information including latitude and longitude along with pictures and signs of the public access ways along waterfront areas throughout the City. The data is compiled but not applied to a map as of yet. Callaghan continues to Open Space & Recreation Committee May 6, 2020 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 work on this. The HMA recently voted to fund the replacement of the signs and include new signs that describe what is available for the public to enjoy at each of these access points. Callaghan updates the Committee on the upcoming installation of new paddle boards and kayak racks at some locations. There are a lot of developments occurring along the waterfront. iv. Drapers Point Per Pirrotta, there are no new updates. Denise Deschamps is still corresponding with Bass Haven Yacht Club on how they may want to dispose of a portion of the property. Members discuss the best possible use of the land since there are degraded wetlands and salt marsh. Suggestions are made to encourage the creation of a walking path off of the main sidewalk next to McPherson Drive. v. Norwood Pond Committee members discuss the plans for trails around Norwood Pond by the Dunham Ridge buildings. Cummings Properties would build the bridge as part of the agreement to construct the waterfront building. When funding is available, OSRC will build the second bridge to connect with trails across Norwood Pond. Potential funding for the second bridge would be from funds required by the Order of Conditions and the timing of the funds is tied to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. vi. North Shore Music Theatre No updates at this time. A meeting would need to be held with City and North Shore Music Theatre staff to discuss potential easements. This discussion is currently on hold due to the pandemic. 5. Public Outreach a. Rescheduling Spring Walks Walks are on hold until further notice. Members will table the walks for discussion after the State of Emergency is lifted. Walks could be potentially scheduled in a different season. The hosts and walks that were previously agreed to included: Sarah Corshia of Historic Beverly: Ryal Side walk Barbara Warren of Salem Sound Coastwatch: Glovers Wharf talk and Dane Street Beach walk Dave Brewster of OSRC: Bird watch walk Jessica Kagle of Kestral Educational Adventures: Beverly Commons critter walk b. Social distancing messaging Members discuss ways to potentially reach the public while the social distancing measures are in effect. Suggestions include posting friendly guidelines on how to social distance within all public open space. Some examples from other communities are discussed. The Committee side bars to the increased use of City open space during this time when many places are closed due to the COVID -19 pandemic. Members inquire if the City is developing signage and graphics for the open spaces regarding animal waste and respecting the open space. Department of Public Services and Animal Control are increasing vigilance at City open spaces to ensure the public respects the areas. Per Pirrotta, the City is watchful of the over use of signs. Members express support for signs that are tasteful reminders of courteous and appropriate public behavior /expectations in City open spaces. Open Space & Recreation Committee May 6, 2020 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 Members turn attention to trail maintenance at various open spaces. Concerns are raised about impromptu trail and ramp construction along the current hiking paths within the parks. c. Open Space topics to share on web Members discuss what items of interest they can create and post on the web. McCrory suggests posting to the City Facebook page. Mann encourages the Committee to research some ideas and topics for posting. 6. Other Business & Updates a. Master Plan Comments and Updates The Committee discussed submitting a letter to the Master Plan Committee earlier during the meeting. 7. Future Agenda Items a. Pirrotta suggests inviting The Trustees back to further discuss the activities at the Long Hill property and to provide an update. The Trustees' recently completed work to restore the historic vistas at the house. b. Miller proposes inviting Rich Grandoni from Change Is Simple to provide a brief presentation to the Committee on their mission and goals. Their goals align with OSRC and focus on supplemental education in the classroom for children. Adjournment Alden -St. Pierre moves to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m. McCrory seconds. The motion carries 8 -0. Next Meeting: June 3, 2020 at 7 p.m.