HDC Minutes 5-28-20CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES COMMITTEE /COMMISSION Historic District Commission DATE: LOCATION: MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: • Call to Order May 28, 2020 Google Meet William Finch, Chair; Suzanne LaMont, Vice Chair; Caroline Mason, Wendy Pearl Emily Hutchings (Planning Department, City of Beverly), Sandra Cook, Stefano Basso, Bob Stoneham Jodi Byrne William Finch calls the May 28, 2020 meeting of the HDC to order at 7:03 pm. He reads the following script: Before beginning the meeting, I would like to announce that this meeting is being recorded by the City of Beverly. I am confirming that all members and persons anticipated on the agenda are present and can hear me. Members, when I call your name, please respond in the affirmative. Suzie LaMont William Finch Caroline Mason Wendy Pearl Staff, when I call your name, please respond in the affirmative. Emily Hutchings Jodi Byrne Anticipated speakers on the agenda, please respond in the affirmative. Stefano Basso Bob Stoneham Sandra Cook Introduction to Remote Meeting: Good evening. This Open Meeting of the Historic District Commission is being conducted remotely, consistent with Governor Baker's Executive order of March 12, 2020, due to the current State of Emergency in the Commonwealth due to the outbreak of COVID -19. In order to mitigate the transmission of the virus, we have been advised and directed by the Commonwealth to suspend public gatherings, and as such, the Governor's Order suspended the requirement of Open Meeting Law to have all meetings in a publicly accessible physical location. Further, all members of public bodies are allowed and encouraged to participate remotely. The Order allows public bodies to meet entirely remotely so long as adequate alternative public access is afforded so that the public can follow along with the deliberations of the meeting. Ensuring public access does not ensure public participation unless such participation is required by law. This meeting may feature public comment. For this meeting, the Historic District Commission is convening by telephone and video conference via Google Hangouts as posted on the City's website identifying how the public may j oin. Please note that this meeting is being recorded and televised live, and that some attendees are participating by video conference. Accordingly, please be aware that other participants or viewers may be able to see and hear you, and anything that your broadcast may be captured by the recording. You have the option to turn off your video if you are participating via computer. All participants should keep their microphones or phones muted unless recognized by the Chair to reduce background noise and feedback. Please wait until the person speaking has finished before speaking so we can clearly hear all participants. Meeting Materials Supporting materials that have been provided to members of this body are available from the Planning Department. Please contact Associate Planner Emily Hutchings to request supporting materials. The public is encouraged to follow along using the posted agenda unless the Chair notes otherwise. Meeting Ground Rules We are now turning to the first item on the agenda. Before we do so, I will cover some ground rules for effective and clear conduct of our business and to ensure accurate meeting minutes. The Chair will introduce each item on the agenda. After speakers conclude their remarks, the Chair will invite Commission members to provide any comment, questions, or motions. a. Please remember to mute your phone or computer when you are not speaking. b. You may mute yourself or be muted by the meeting host by clicking the microphone mute /unmute icon, pressing the mute button on your telephone, or by pressing *6 on your telephone keypad. c. Please reserve the Chat function for technical difficulties and not for public comment. d. Please remember to speak clearly and in a way that helps generate accurate minutes. For any response, please state your name and affiliation before speaking. Regarding public comment: e. After members have spoken, the Chair will afford public comment as follows: i. The Chair will first ask members of the public who wish to speak to identify their names and addresses only; ii. Once the Chair has a list of all public commentators, I will call on each by name and afford 3 minutes for any comments. For those individuals present in person, please take care to speak loudly and clearly so the microphone associated with the webcam or telephone can effectively broadcast your comments to those participating remotely. 1. The Cabot Lobbv Restoration and Renovation: Establish annroach for HDC review Hutchings reports that the renovation and restoration of The Cabot lobby, specifically the restoration of the ceiling and rose window, was approved as a CPA - funded project in the historic preservation category. She says that as part of the Memorandum of Agreement, this project requires that the Historic District Commission review and approve the proposed work. Pearl says that the Committee needs to discuss what it is they need in terms of products from The Cabot restoration team in order to review and approve. Chair Finch says that the most appropriate way to get a handle on what is being done is if the applicant can take good overview photographs of the lobby area in question and annotate them as to how they would address the restoration including a narrative of the plans and materials to be used. Project architect Stefano Basso says that this makes sense in the scope of the project, and they can request a narrative from the subcontractor for the type of plaster and process of the moldings Project contractor Sandra Cook asks if a copy of the subcontractor's proposal would suffice, and Chair Finch says it may, depending on its clarity. Cook says she will send it to them. She states that she is the General Contractor for this project, and that the plastering contract has gone to Inspired Ornamental. Chair Finch says that he has dealt with restorative and decorative materials in the past, and that there is a whole process in casting and molding. Cook says they plan to use traditional plaster. Pearl asks about the preservation approach. Basso answers that they have the original blueprints from the theater. He says that they have not yet decided on paint color or precise technique and asks what the HDC would be looking for. Chair Finch confirms with Basso that the blueprints give details on the plaster work. Basso says that the blueprints are detailed in the lobby, upper lobby, and arch area, detailing all of the ornamental work. Chair Finch requests that they provide the HDC with these drawings. He asks if in developing a paint scheme, they are doing an analysis to see how it was originally treated. Basso says that a drop ceiling covered much of the original in 1965, and when they uncovered this they revealed colors that may not be from the original 1920's pallette. Basso says there is a variety of dark teal, turquoise blues, and greens. Chair Finch states that a good starting point is to have a paint analysis done to identify the original treatments. Pearl says it may reveal surfaces that were not painted originally, and that it is important to look at what was historically painted and how this will fit into the new scheme based upon the Historic standards. Chair Finch says that he doubts they will find areas that were not painted. Pearl also notes the wood trim and cornice line. Chair Finch reports that the plaster is in poor condition, and so a historic paint analysis should be a simple process where the analyzer can take some chunks to their lab. Chair Finch notes that Christine Thompson from Salem, MA, and John Vaughn from Bristol, RI are both in the business. Hutchings reminds the Committee that these are not referrals, but just names of known people in the business, as the Commission cannot provide referrals. Basso says that the process used when working on paint colors for the GAR Hall and Hale Farm was to first identify the target restoration period, noting that they picked the year of the latest major alteration to the project. He says that The Cabot originally had an outdoor ticket enclosure with a flat marquis that changed a few times over the years, and that in the 50's 60s the latest design was installed. He is wondering if there is a certain target they should be identifying. Pearl says this would be challenging as this project is more of a rehabilitation and not really a restoration. She says that the work should fit the theme of the rest of the theater. Pearl says that there may not be a date they can select because the interior has been through so many changes. She compliments The Cabot team for their work and strategy, and says that it is the job of the HDC to make sure all work is in compliance with the Secretary of Interior's standards. Chair Finch states that a painting analysis would provide a starting point and a record to know how it changed over time. Pearl asks if there are any cleaning or other techniques (paint or asbestos abatement) that need to happen that they should review. Cook says that as far as she knows, there is no asbestos. She says that when they took the ceiling down, it was lightly grated so that nothing would flake off and fall, and that this is all that has been done at this point. She says that it may need some cleaning before painting, but it would be mild. Chair Finch suggests making sure they are not dealing with calcimine as it would influence paint removal and repainting. Cook says she will talk to the subcontractor as he has identified the type of plaster and has not mentioned any complications. Chair Finch says that he is talking about the paint coating and not the plaster, and he also cautions them to look for Keene's cement as this was used at that time (early 20th century) and it often had asbestos in it. Chair Finch says that their ultimate paint scheme could be annotated on the photographs. Pearl asks about the timeline of the project as the HDC is requesting more information. The Cabot Manager Bob Stoneham says that they are hoping to move forward with getting the project started as soon as the CPC is satisfied with the MOU, and he wants to make sure his team gets the HDC what they need. Pearl says that they could meet in a couple of weeks (before the next meeting of the CPC) so that all can be in order for them to move forward. Hutchings reports that the next scheduled meeting of the CPC is June 18th, and the next meeting of the HDC is June 25th. Caroline Mason says that a special meeting would be worth it to accommodate this project so that they can move forward. Cook says she can get the plaster information to the HDC by early next week. Pearl asks Hutchings if they can vote to delegate the approval of materials to Chair Finch, or if the approval must be provided by a vote of the entire HDC. Hutchings answers that if the Commission is comfortable delegating these items to Chair Finch, then they may do so by vote. Pearl says the plaster contractor sounds experienced, and that she feels comfortable in having Chair Finch review on behalf of the Commission. Chair Finch says he will review, and if he sees any issues he will bring them to the Commission. Both Mason and LaMont state that they agree with this plan. Pearl motions that the materials to be submitted by The Cabot may be reviewed and approved by the Chair of the Historic District Commission, and at his discretion he may either bring them to the HDC for approval or, if the materials meet his satisfaction, he may approve the aspects of the project. Mason seconds. There is a formal roll call vote of the Commission: William Finch, Chair; Suzanne LaMont, Vice Chair; Caroline Mason, and Wendy Pearl. The motion passes (4 -0). 2. Review and consideration of Preservation Restriction for the Hale Farm, 39 Hale Street Chair Finch confirms that all have received copies of the preservation restriction, and says that it is acceptable to the Beverly Historic Society (Historic Beverly). He asks if there is any discussion on the matter. Hutchings explains that the preservation restriction on the Hale Farm is a requirement of the MOU in order for them to receive their CPC funds for approved historic preservation work. She says that this went through a previous iteration a couple of years ago where it was believed to be approved by all entities, but when it reached the Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) it was rejected, resulting in much discussion between MHC, the City of Beverly, and Historic Beverly. Hutchings says that the preservation restriction has now been approved, although not signed by the MHC or Historic Beverly. Pearl says that her suggestion is that photos be included on the back that show the new porch addition. Chair Finch says that to include photos is a simple action from the time period of the restriction, and because it is in the drawings and descriptions of the grant, this should be satisfactory. Pearl says she thinks the restriction looks good, with clear and simple language. LaMont motions that the Commission sign the preservation restriction and to recommend to the City Council that they vote to sign and execute this preservation restriction. Pearl seconds. There is a formal roll call vote of the Commission: William Finch, Chair; Suzanne LaMont, Vice Chair; Caroline Mason, and Wendy Pearl. The motion passes (4 -0). 3. Approval of minutes March 12, 2020 Chair Finch was not present so he abstains from comment. The minutes are discussed and amended as needed. Lamont motions to approve the March 12, 2020 minutes as amended. Mason seconds. There is a formal roll call vote of the Commission: Suzanne LaMont, Vice Chair; Caroline Mason, and Wendy Pearl. The motion passes (3 -0 -1) with Chair Finch abstaining. April 23, 2020 The minutes are discussed and amended as needed. LaMont motions to approve the April 23, 2020 minutes as amended. Mason seconds. There is a formal roll call vote of the Commission: William Finch, Chair; Suzanne LaMont, Vice Chair; Caroline Mason, and Wendy Pearl. The motion passes (4 -0). 4. New /Other Business Other discussion or action items related to Commission business, if any Lamont asks about a potential demolition delay on 179 West Street. Chair Finch says that the work was not historical. He notes that the building dates to 1929, but on the interior it was modern sheetrock and windows. He says there was a staircase that was constructed in the last 20 years. Chair Finch says that he concluded that there was nothing historical within the structure. Mason also saw the demolition and says that there was not much worth saving as most was gone already. Chair Finch says that the current owner wants to tear the structure down to gain access to the lot. Hutchings says that it is to demolish the building and not to put anything in its place, which the owner called "undeveloping." Pearl reports on the CPC votes - 1. The Cabot lobby restoration - approved 2. Beverly Farms Cemetery Project - approved 3. Greenergy Park - approved with requirements for the applicant to develop more of a plan 4. City Clerk Document Preservation - not approved as there was still unspent money from the last round. 5. Housing for Anchor Point - approved 6. CPC Subcommittee for COVID -19 Rental Relief subcommittee - approved for a rental relief program during the pandemic to authorize spending up to $240k for those who meet up to 100% AMI per household. She says that the funding number is approximately half of the general fund, and that it is hard to gage what they need as low incomes are eligible for a host of programs, yet those at higher incomes may not qualify for other programs. The plan is for up to 3 months of assistance, and the applicant is the housing partner to be selected by the City. 7. Gillis Park - approved Hutchings says that the Powder House restoration is moving along quite well, and that she will follow up if there is any eligibility for additional funding. Hutchings says that the Historic Preservation survey has had 573 responses with a closing date of June 12. Pearl asks if in phase two of reopening of the state, public meetings will be reintroduced. Hutchings says it is up to the City and what they are comfortable with. She says that for now, the City is still working on policies and equipment to facilitate these meetings safely, and that virtual meetings are preferred. Adjournment Pearl motions to adjourn the meeting at 8:03 pm. Mason seconds. There is a formal roll call vote of the Commission: William Finch, Chair; Suzanne LaMont, Vice Chair; Caroline Mason, and Wendy Pearl. The motion passes (4 -0).