CPC. Minutes.07.22.2020 [revised as of 9-17-2020]-FINAL[2]CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES COMMITTEE/COMMISSION: SUBCOMMITTEE DATE: LOCATION: MEMBERS PRESENT: Community Preservation Committee July 22, 2020 Google Meet Virtual Meeting Chair - Heather Richter, Vice Chair - Derek Beckwith, Marilyn McCrory, John Hall, Nancy Marino, Christy Edwards, Robert Buchsbaum, Wendy Pearl, Tom Bussone MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Denise Deschamps - Economic Development Planner, Planning Department, acting as Committee staff, Andrew DeFranza, Harborlight Community Partners Jodi Byrne - Recording Secretary 1. Call to Order Chair Heather Richter calls the July 22, 2020 meeting of the Beverly Community Preservation Committee to order at 6:30 p.m. and informs everyone that the meeting will be recorded. Chair Richter takes a verbal roll call and then reads an abbreviated version the following: Pursuant to Governor Baker's March 12, 2020 Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A, §18, and the Governor's March 23, 2020 Order imposing strict limitation on the number of people that may gather in one place, this meeting of the Beverly Community Preservation Committee will be conducted via remote participation to the greatest extent possible. No in- person attendance of members of the public will be available, but every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access the proceedings in real time, via technological means. In the event that we are unable to do so, despite best efforts, we will post on the City's website an audio or video recording, transcript, or other comprehensive record of proceedings as soon as possible after the meeting. Applicants and /or representatives required to appear before the Beverly Community Preservation Committee must make arrangements to present remotely as there is not a physical meeting location. Documentary exhibits and/or visual presentations must be submitted 3 business days in advance of the meeting to Denise Deschamps via email at ddeschamps @beverlyma.gov. If you wish to have a comment and /or question read during the meeting please submit them to Denise Deschamps at ddeschamps @beverlyma.gov. Chair Richter repeats that the meeting is being recorded, and all participants are given the option of turning off their video and audio. She says that anyone who would like a copy of documents from tonight's meeting may contact Denise Deschamps. She states that all votes will be taken in a formal roll call vote, and she requests that the chat feature only be used only for technical issues. 2. Review Funding Pre - application submitted by Harborlight Community Partners Related to the "Briscoe" Proiect Chair Richter confirms that everyone reviewed Andrew DeFranza's presentation. Denise Deschamps projects the presentation onto the screen, and DeFranza highlights the main images and highlights of the project while introducing its three main goals: 1. Make (85) affordable senior housing units. 2. Preserve the historic nature of the building. 3. Preserve recreational space. He also notes the feature of (6) artist housing units. He says the building is now permitted. Chair Richter says that the CPC needs to see if this project meets the criteria for both CPA out - of -cycle projects and for CPA General Evaluation Criteria. Robert Buchsbaum asks how the artist spaces will be determined. DeFranza says that it is a preference and not a restriction, and they may have to designate a local group to confirm eligibility as an artist. After this confirmation, DeFranza states that the artist housing will be available on a first come first served process. Nancy Marino asks how the applicant will receive housing vouchers. DeFranza says that during the funding round, they will ask for Section 8 or Massachusetts Rental Voucher (MRVP) in certain increments. He states that if they are not awarded the vouchers, it could be detrimental to the 30% AMI portion of units. Next, DeFranza explains how the project's partnering with Beacon can help them get the project completed more efficiently. Wendy Pearl reports that this applicant met with the HDC and that there were no issues complying with the Secretary of Interior's Standards, making it eligible in the category of historic renovation. DeFranza says that they want to be able to show the state their funding request in a single round, thus the plan is to submit the pre - application to the State in November and the full application in February. Pearl confirms that the CPC could commit an initial partial funding request with a second commitment toward an application in another round or cycle. She says that would effectively show the interest of the CPC to the state. McCrory notes that on the pre - application, the City is the owner. DeFranza says that the City is the owner, and the applicants hold the site - agreement. McCrory suggests that another option to 2 consider is for the City to bond for this project as the CPC does not have the full funds to commit in one year. Chair Richter confirms that this would have to be a conversation with the City. Richter suggests a letter of commitment from the CPC. DeFranza says that a commitment would be needed sometime in late September or early October. Chair Richter notes that the next round of CPC funding is slated for June 2021. Chair Richter asks DeFranza to speak on why this is an out of cycle application, and he answers that he wanted to show the funding commitment before the pre - application submission to the state. Chair Richter confirms with DeFranza the project's public access areas and that the artist living areas will not be rent or age restricted. Derek Beckwith reads the six criteria for an out of cycle application (Note: Beckwith read the six criteria in full. Below is a summary of the six criteria): 1. Determination of eligibility 2. Short window of opportunity for funding 3. Standard application deadline requirements 4. Letter of Intent signed by owner of the property or legal control of property 5. CPA funding importance to the project 6. Project aligns with the goals of the City [A robust discussion ensues re the "Briscoe" project and whether or not it meets out of -cycle criteria.] McCrory says that because the CPC has a pre - application from the applicant, the Committee can vote on the project's eligibility for Criteria 1: Determination of eligibility. Pearl motions that the Briscoe Project is eligible for CPC funding under its three goals of affordable housing, historic preservation of the building, and recreation. Marino seconds. Pearl amends motion to add recreation to the project's eligibility. Marino seconds the amendment. There is a roll call vote with each member voting yes: Chair Heather Richter, Marilyn McCrory, Vice Chair Derek Beckwith, Robert Buchsbaum, Christy Edwards, John Hall, Tom Bussone, Nancy Marino, and Wendy Pearl. The motion passes (9 -0). McCrory states that past protocol follows the process of a submitted narrative that demonstrates compliance with special application criteria, and the next step for the CPC is to vote on whether it is eligible for out of cycle funding. She says that after this, the CPC could vote on the amount of funding and that both considerations can be completed in one meeting. DeFranza is instructed to add supporting (narrative) details on the out of cycle application and to submit the full application on August 13, 2020 so that members can review before the next CPC meeting on August 20, 2020. Pearl confirms with Deschamps that this could be cued so that it is 3 on the City Council's upcoming agenda. It is decided that a formal budget review should also be held at the August 20th meeting of the CPC. 3. Review Harborlight Community Partners Request for Extension of Existing MOU Related to Hardy Street Proiect DeFranza states that Harborlight is requesting a three month extension. Christy Edwards motions to grant the extension of the existing MOU related to Hardy Street Project to November 30, 2020. Pearl seconds. There is a roll call vote with each member voting yes: Chair Heather Richter, Vice Chair Derek Beckwith, Marilyn McCrory, Robert Buchsbaum, Christy Edwards, John Hall, Tom Bussone, Nancy Marino, and Wendy Pearl. The motion passes (9 -0). 4. Review of CPC Meeting Minutes from June 18, 2020 McCrory motions to approve the June 18, 2020 minutes. Edwards seconds. There is a roll call vote with each member voting yes: Chair Heather Richter, Vice Chair Derek Beckwith, Marilyn McCrory, Robert Buchsbaum, Christy Edwards, John Hall, Tom Bussone, Nancy Marino, and Wendy Pearl. The motion passes (9 -0). 5. CPC Subcommittee Update regarding COVID -19 Emergency Housing Relief Program and Potential Administering Agencies Chair Richter reports that the subcommittee solicited eight agencies to manage the applications and disbursement of emergency housing relief. She says that after narrowing the search to two agencies (Bootstraps and NSCAP), the subcommittee is recommending NSCAP. Chair Richter and the other subcommittee members state their decision based upon the following criteria that NSCAP offered: 1. Strong history with this type of funding process 2. Staffing in place 3. Models in place (Salem and Peabody) 4. 10% fee structure billed as funds are expended 5. Ability to get program up and running by September 2020 Beckwith motions that the CPC enter into a MOA with NSCAP to administer the Emergency Housing Funding Program. McCrory seconds. There is a roll call vote with each member voting yes: Chair Marilyn McCrory, Heather Richter, Derek Beckwith, Robert Buchsbaum, Christy Edwards, John Hall, Tom Bussone, Nancy Marino, and Wendy Pearl. The motion passes (9 -0). The next step is for NSCAP to begin reviewing citizen applications. It is noted that NSCAP will provide a monthly report to Denise Deschamps (as staff). Deschamps will need a partner from the CPC to review these reports and NSCAP will need to submit an MOA to the CPC. n 6. Review Status of Existing CPA Proiects That are Open Deschamps sent a list to the CPC for review of open projects. McCrory requests an update of expiration dates. Deschamps says that she will update this report and invites comments and questions on these projects. 7. Discuss Round 8 Schedule and Potential Changes to CPA Application Documents McCrory projects an image of proposed changes to the application dates and processes. After a brief discussion, it is decided that Deschamps will provide a copy of this document to members, allowing each to review and email Deschamps with suggestions before the August 20, 2020 meeting. It is also decided that after a budget review, the CPC disclose the remaining amount of available funds for future applicants. The Committee further discusses an incremental plan to fund Harborlight's out of cycle application. Deschamps and several members of the committee including Derek Beckwith, Christy Edwards, Marilyn McCrory and Heather Richter stressed the importance of making CPA funds available annually, even if the funds available are less robust than in previous years. If the "Briscoe" project were to be funded, CPA funds could still be made available to smaller yet strong projects, if the CPC budget is funded at levels consistent with past years. 8. Other Items Edwards offers to research and review funding applications from other cities and to offer edits to the CPC's updated application provided by Deschamps. She asks members to share any suggestions or applications they favor and says that she will send an edited copy to members a week in advance of the next meeting. Marino suggests a cover sheet with topic /explanation to aid applicants. Pearl raises some of the recurring issues such as: 1. lack of understanding site control 2. project description parameters 3. letters of support 4. Budget clarity (quotes for support). 9. Confirm Date of Next CPC Meeting The next meeting of the CPC is scheduled for August 20, 2020 at 7pm. 10. Adiourn Beckwith motions to adjourn. Hall seconds. There is a roll call vote with each member voting yes: Chair Heather Richter, Vice Chair Derek Beckwith, Marilyn McCrory, Robert Buchsbaum, Christy Edwards, John Hall, Nancy Marino, and Wendy Pearl. The motion passes (8 -0). Tom Bussone previously left the meeting. The meeting is adjourned at 8:45pm. M