CPC Subcommittee on Emergency Housing Relief 7-13-2020 mtg noteBeverly Community Preservation Committee (CPC) Subcommittee on Emergency Housing Relief Meeting Notes Meeting Date: July 13, 2020, 4:30 PM CPC members participating: Heather Richter; Derek Beckwith; Thomas Bussone, II; Nancy Marino CPC Committee staff: Denise Deschamps As Chair of the Beverly Community Preservation Committee's Subcommittee Heather Richter called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM. Richter reads a description of the process by which public meetings are held remotely along a description of how the public may access these meetings. Richter explained the purpose of the meeting and asked that Committee staff, Denise Deschamps, call the roll. Deschamps calls the roll. Deschamps does not yet have the meeting notes available from the last Subcommittee meeting so the matter of reviewing and approving the meeting notes is tabled until the next Subcommittee meeting Richter initiates discussion of the two Letters of Interest received in response to the Invitation to Submit Letters of Interest, which was sent to eight area agencies /organizations by the CPC on June 26, 2020. The Invitation asked that responses be received no later than July 9 at 5 PM. The Subcommittee received two responses, one from Beverly Bootstraps and the other from North Shore Community Action Program ( NSCAP). The CPC Subcommittee generally expressed concerns regarding the administrative fee proposed by Beverly Bootstraps and questioned whether or not they anticipated hiring staff to administer the program. It was pointed out that they likely have telephones in place and sufficient space to accommodate a staff person who would be assigned to work on the program. It was stated that perhaps there needs to be a conversation with Beverly Bootstraps to clarify that the program has more of a transactional nature. It does not require ongoing case management. It was noted that Beverly Bootstraps projected 130 applications and there was a question as to on what they based this figure. It was stated that the CPC has no interest in creating a bidding war between the two agencies which do good work for those in need. Perhaps the Subcommittee should schedule a meeting with each of the agencies. As to process, it was suggested that the agency or agencies be asked to submit a formal proposal to the full CPC. It may take the form of the CPC's application, or something akin to it, in order to maintain consistency. There was a question of whether or not the CPC Subcommittee should tell the agencies that a specific amount of money is available for administration and ask them if they are still interested. There was also a question as to whether or not the "Invitation" would be considered a solicitation of bids or is there more to that process. Another question, should the CPC contract with two administering agencies to share the task. It was decided that that might be a challenge administratively with two agencies potentially approaching it differently and the CPC having to track the work /performance of two separate agencies. It was noted that NSCAP is already administering a similar program for two other communities. Deschamps will review existing CPC application and may modify slightly for the purpose of this effort. It was noted that the applicant will still need to submit a program budget, schedule, identify a fee, Page 1 of 2 experience and provide letters of support as part of the application process. They also can offer suggestions as to how they would design the program. Deschamps will review information recently supplied by the MA Community Preservation Coalition re a "Housing Toolbox ". The "Toolbox" includes some documents that may be useful. She will share them with Subcommittee members. The goal would be to get the application to the two agencies on July 17 and request a response by August 7 or 14. Richter asks if there is a motion to adjourn. Thomas Bussone moves to adjourn. Nancy Marino seconds the motion. The meeting is adjourned at 5:10 PM. Page 2 of 2