CPC Subcommittee on Emergency Housing Relief 6-25-2020 mtg noteBeverly Community Preservation Committee (CPC) Subcommittee on Emergency Housing Relief Meeting Notes Meeting Date: June 25, 2020, 11:00 AM CPC members participating: Heather Richter; Derek Beckwith; Thomas Bussone, II; Nancy Marino CPC Committee staff: Denise Deschamps As Chair of the Beverly Community Preservation Committee's Subcommittee Heather Richter called the meeting to order at 11:00 AM. Richter reads a description of the process by which public meetings are held remotely along with a description of how the public may access these meetings. Richter explained the purpose of the meeting and asked that Committee staff, Denise Deschamps, call the roll. Deschamps calls the roll. Richter leads a review of the meeting minutes from the June 16, 2020 meeting of the Subcommittee as provided by Deschamps. Richter requests that the last line in the fourth paragraph be amended to state, "Their application would be evaluated based on parameters identified in the report of the Subcommittee on Emergency Covid -19 Housing Assistance Relief Fund." Derek Beckwith moves to accept the minutes as amended. Nancy Marino seconds the motion. Heather Richter requests a vote be taken. Deschamps calls the roll. Heather Richter, Derek Beckwith and Nancy Marino vote to accept the minutes. Thomas Bussone abstains given that he was not present during the June 16, 2020. The motion carries. Richter initiates review of the draft Invitation to Submit a Letter of Intent. She contrasts the format of this document to that of the sample Notice of Funding Availability which was also provided by Deschamps to Subcommittee members for their review. Richter states that she prefers the format of the "Invitation ". The other subcommittee members agree. The Subcommittee members then closely review the content of the Invitation. Derek Beckwith proposes a revision to the description of the term of the program as it appears in the Invitation. Deschamps asks that Beckwith email her the language he is proposing and Beckwith agrees. The Subcommittee states that Letters of Interest should be directed to Deschamps. Deschamps will then share the Letters with Subcommittee members as they are received. The Subcommittee members discuss a schedule to send out the invitation and receive responses. Deschamps confirms that she will have time to finalize the Invitation and sent it out by email, to all agencies /organizations originally contact by the Subcommittee to gauge need, by the end of the next day, June 26. Deschamps suggests that given the July 4 holiday potential respondents should be given until July 09 to respond. The Subcommittee agrees and schedules their next Subcommittee meeting for July 13. At the July 13 meeting they intend to review responses and then work with viable applicants from July 13 -22 to address any questions and may provide the viable applicants with a formal application to complete if discussions have advanced to that point. Ideally, the Subcommittee will be in a position to make a recommendation to the full CPC Committee during their meeting on July 22. September 1St is the anticipated program start date. Page 1 of 2 Richter invites a motion to adjourn. Thomas Bussone makes the motion. Nancy Marino seconds the motion. Deschamps calls the roll. All are in favor. The meeting adjourns at 11:41 AM. Page 2 of 2