CPC Subcommittee on Emergency Housing Relief 5-27-2020 mtg noteBeverly Community Preservation Committee (CPC) Subcommittee on Emergency Housing Relief DRAFT Meeting Notes Meeting Date: May 27, 2020 CPC members participating: Heather Richter; Derek Beckwith; Thomas Bussone, II; Nancy Marino CPC Committee staff: Denise Deschamps As Vice Chair of the Beverly Community Preservation Committee Heather Richter called the Subcommittee meeting to order. Richter explained the purpose of the meeting and identified the CPC members participating and that Committee staff, Denise Deschamps, was also participating in the call. Deschamps calls the roll. Richter reads a description of the process by which public meetings are held remotely along a description of how the public may access these meetings. The Subcommittee reviews the draft meeting minutes from the May 19, 2020 Subcommittee meeting. Richter notes a typographical error in the spelling of her name and an extra front slash in the 3r to last paragraph. Beckwith motions to approve the minutes with corrections. Bussone seconds. There is a roll call vote to accept the minutes. The minutes are accepted. Richter initiates review of the revised subcommittee report with revisions based upon comments provided by the full Community Preservation Committee made during their meeting of May 21, 2020. Thomas Bussone comments that the revised draft captures everything that was discussed. Nancy Marino and Derek Beckwith concur. Marino makes a motion to accept the updated subcommittee report. Beckwith seconds the motion. Deschamps calls the roll. The Subcommittee votes unanimously to accept the revised Subcommittee report. Richter moves on to discuss next steps in the process beginning with an invitation to City officials to provide comment. Subcommittee members agree to draft and send a letter to the Mayor with the Subcommittee report attached, inviting comments and suggestions. The CPC will send a typical transmittal letter to the City Council, which will describe this project as well as the other two projects recommended by the CPC for funding. Both letters will be sent this week. If the City Council does vote to award funding then the next step would be to reach out to potential partnering agencies. Deschamps will prepare the letter to the City Council and send to Marilyn McCrory (CPC Chair) and Richter for review before submittal. Marino makes a motion to adjourn. Beckwith seconds the motion. All vote in favor of adjournment. The meeting adjourns. Page 1 of 1