3-4-20 OSRC minutes - FINALCITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: Open Space and Recreation Committee SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: March 4, 2020 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: David Brewster (Vice Chair), David Alden -St. Pierre, Marilyn McCrory, Todd Callaghan, Gregory Sharp, Wayne Miller BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Charline Mann (Chair), Elizabeth Dunne STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Jenna Pirrotta, Environmental Planner OTHERS PRESENT: Roy Gebhardt IV, Eagle Scout; Cael Dineen, Eagle Scout RECORDER: Sharlyne Woodbury Brewster chairs and opens the meeting at 7:08 p.m. 2. Members of the public opportunity to address the Committee a. Roy Gebhardt IV, candidate Eagle Scout, Troop 49 - Eagle Scout Project at Norwood Pond Roy Gebhardt IV, Eagle Scout candidate, presents his completed project at Norwood Pond to the Committee. Gebhardt details the clean up along an existing trail at Norwood Pond and how he oversaw the removal of an old fire pit, broken glass debris, and bittersweet vines. Gebhardt describes the sifter he made with quarter inch chicken wire and wood frame, which was used to remove glass shards while retaining the soil on -site. Gebhardt coordinated and oversaw 12 -14 volunteers including leaders who assisted with the project. He delegated 2 -3 groups to keep all the project parts moving and there were 50 total project hours. Gebhardt noted all trash and debris was disposed of properly in trash bags. Also, in order discourage future littering Gebhardt and volunteers made sure to completely deconstruct the camp site. The scout leader suggests Troop 49 would like to seek out future projects with the Committee. Miller and McCrory discuss an existing list of potential projects that the Committee has which may be suitable for scouts to complete. Pirrotta will update the current list and have it ready for the future meetings. b. Cael Dineen, Eagle Scout prospective candidate, Troop 49 Cael Dineen is before the Committee seeking information on what potential projects the Committee may have. Members begin discussion on possible Eagle Scout projects. Callaghan suggests a bog bridge project at the Commons, citing the Pole Swamp property as an example where such bridges are located. For this type of project Dineen would need to seek out funding. Dineen expresses to the Committee that he is interested in trail work. Members suggest Dineen visit different open space properties and see if he has a favorite where he may want to do some work and then report back to the Committee. The Committee shares their potential project list with Dineen for his review. Dineen outlines his time frame for project completion, noting his preference is for Fall 2020 or Spring 2021. Dineen informs the Committee he is in contact with Mann for potential projects as well. 3. Approval of Minutes Members review the draft minutes from February 5, 2020 and offer edits. McCrory makes a motion to accept the February 5, 2020 meeting minutes as amended. Callaghan seconded. The motion carries 6 -0. Open Space & Recreation Committee March 4, 2020 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 4. Principal Items of Business a. Community Preservation Committee — Representative Report There are no new updates. b. Planning Board — Representative Report There are no new updates. Per Miller, the Planning Board recently discussed the Webster Avenue subdivision with members citing there are no new developments. c. Conservation Commission — Representative Report i. Cummings Center site walk at Norwood Pond A couple members met with Pirrotta and Cummings Center staff for a site walk on February 19, 2020, relative to a trail easement location required by an Order of Conditions. Members discussed the potential installation of a bridge connecting the trail at Dunham Ridge to existing trails on the other side of Norwood Pond. The Cummings Properties' Order of Conditions requires a payment dedicated for work in the Norwood Pond area, and bridge /trail work was identified as a possible use of these funds. ii. Community Gardens Relocation Pirrotta notes that the Engineering Department will be filing an application with the Conservation Commission for relocating the Community Gardens and describes a revised plan. Amenities at the new site would be consistent with existing plots /amenities at the Cole Street gardens. The Engineering Department is working on the plans and Department of Public Services will be completing initial work, with the garden managers taking over after that. Members discuss concerns with the use of compost from the City compost site, due to soil quality. Soil testing and funding is discussed. Callaghan expressed a preference for paying for compost from Black Earth and will coordinate with other garden members to gather a consensus of opinion. Miller informs the Committee that Full Circle Earth is relocating from Long Hill and looking for a new permanent spot, particularly a greenhouse. Full Circle Earth is willing to put solar on their facility and questions whether the community gardens could be a potential site for their spring seedlings. Members further discuss garden projects, funding, legalities, coordination of projects and leadership. Pirrotta will research these concerns and provide answers at the next meeting. Sidebar: Members briefly discuss Camp Paradise and the future family /community opportunities for the grounds. Miller informs the Committee of an offshore wind presentation he recently attended. Discussion further ensues to the coastal flood maps, storm drainage systems, and upcoming solar farms. Miller recommends members view JPL NASA website for more information. iii. HMA: kayak racks at Dane Street Beach and Lynch Park Pirrotta informs the members of an application submitted by Harbor Management Authority for the installation of new kayak racks at Dane Street Beach, Lynch Park, and Independence Park. d. Parcel Updates i. Green Street Updates Members discuss the parcel updates. A meeting was scheduled between the Mayor's Office and the property owner, but was cancelled due to health issues. For the other parcel, there are no new updates. ii. Bass River Water Front No new updates. Members discuss potential riverfront water access. Open Space & Recreation Committee March 4, 2020 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 OSRC /Mayor meeting: Meeting rescheduled to a tentative date between March 25 -27, 2020. The meeting will discuss parcel updates, potential easements with other agenda items up for discussion. 5. Sgrin2 Walks a. Potential Hosts /Topics Members discuss potential walks in the following areas: behind Ayers Elementary School with Sarah Corshia of Historic Beverly; Barbara Warren of Salem Sound will have two walks, 1) at the Pier and 2) Dane Street Beach. Members also discuss other projects such as a bat -house building workshop, Brewster's annual bird watch walk, and bike events. b. Flyer & Outreach Pirrotta will update the flyer based off suggestions and comments from the members during this meeting. 6. Other Business & Updates a. Master Plan Comments and Updates Per Pirrotta there are no new updates. Comments and suggestions were submitted to the Consultant. They are reviewing all submitted feedback with Planning Department staff. 7. Future Agenda Items Callaghan expresses interest in building an interactive coastal map for Harbor Management Authority with public access and easements built in. Other members express an interest in such a map. This is to be continued to the April 1, 2020 meeting. Adiournment Sharp moves to adjourn meeting at 9:11 p.m. Callaghan seconds. The motion carries 6 -0. Next Meeting: April 1, 2020, 7 pm.