2020 03 30 COTW MinutesBeverly School Committee Beverly, Massachusetts School Committee of the Whole Remote Access (Zoom- MP4) BevCam - Channel 99 Monday, March 30, 2020 7:00 p.m. A remote meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Monday, March 30, 2020, following the guidance from Governor Baker's Office that a quorum does not need to be physically present. Ms. Abell announced that BevCam would be streaming the meeting live on Channel 99. She stated she was recording as a backup. Members Participating: Kaarin Robinson, Kimberley Coelho, Kelley Ferretti, Lorinda Visinick, John Mullady, Mayor Michael Cahill, Rachael Abell Also Participating: Dr. Suzanne Charochak, Superintendent, Dr. Dorothy Flaherty, Assistant Superintendent, Jean Sherburne, Director of Finance and Operations, Bethany Splansky, Special Education and Student Services Director, John Harmon, Director of Personnel and Human Resources, Donna Bergeron, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent and School Committee, Dana Cruikshank, Director of Transportation, Christina Leal, Food Service Director, Dan Keefe Athletic Director, Elementary Principals, Dr. Debra Lay, Gabrielle Montevecchi, Julie Smith, Erin Brown, and Lisa Oliver, Beverly High School Principal Betty Taylor and Assistant Principal Mark Thomas, Beverly Middle School Assistant Principal Terry Conant and Beverly Teachers Association President Julia Brotherton The meeting was called to Order: 7:02 p.m. John Mullady led those participating in the Pledge of Allegiance. Ms. Abell stated the agenda for this meeting is to approve minutes and warrants as listed and to receive an update from Dr. Charochak as well as items she would be covering. Approval of Meeting Records * (BevCam 3:37) A motion was made by Mr. Mullady to approve the March 4, 2020 Committee of the Whole Minutes. The motion was seconded by Ms. Ferretti and approved by a roll call vote: Roll Call Vote: Ms. Visnick - Yes Ms. Ferretti - Yes Ms. Robinson - Yes Mr. Mullady - Yes Ms. Coelho - Yes Mayor Cahill - Yes Ms. Abell - Yes Motion passed 7:0. A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to approve the March 18, 2020 Committee of the Whole Minutes. The motion was seconded by Ms. Coelho and approved by a roll call vote: Roll Call Vote: Ms. Visnick - Yes Ms. Ferretti - Yes Ms. Robinson - Yes Ms. Coelho - Yes Mr. Mullady - Yes Mayor Cahill - Abstain Ms. Abell - Yes Motion passed 6:1 abstained. Items by Consensus (BevCam 8:23) Ms. Abell reminded Committee members that due to the delayed March meeting, they have added a couple of additional warrants for full school committee approval and are listed below. The Superintendent recommends the School Committee vote to approve: A. Warrant #20029 in the amount of $293,319.02. B. Warrant #20030 in the amount of $357,787.76. C. Warrant #20031 in the amount of $109,013.97. D. Warrant #20032 in the amount of $401,733.48. E. Warrant #20033 in the amount of $618,488.25. F. Warrant #20034 in the amount of $353,569.50. G. Warrant #20035 in the amount of $284,273.60. A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to approve the warrants listed. The motion was seconded by Ms. Ferretti and passed by roll call vote: Roll Call Vote: Mr. Mullady - Yes Mayor Cahill - Yes Ms. Abell - Yes Ms. Ferretti - Yes Ms. Visnick - Yes Ms. Robinson - Yes Ms. Coelho - Yes Motion passed 7:0. Superintendent's Updates (BevCam 11:33) Dr. Charochak stated she would be providing an overview of information on the budget, the impact of the closure on the FY20 budget, and a brief look at the FY21 budget. She stated other items would be School Choice, Student Opportunity Act (SOA) plan, and extended closure. A. Budget Discussion Dr. Charochak talked about the impact of the closure on the FY20 budget and making sure that the School Committee has this on their radar. Dr. Charochak stated hearing that we can anticipate there should not be any pulling back of our Chapter 70 funds. In terms of revenue, Dr. Charochak reported some of the impacts on revenues and expenses, from March 31st through May 4, 2020. She detailed the amount of revenues we would normally anticipate coming in, through the Food Service revolving account, building rentals, Medicaid, and the question of tuition for Kindergarten, Preschool and Transportation. Dr. Charochak talked about expenses incurred, such as food service cost over revenues received, unemployment costs from former employees and cleaning of the buildings, noting the aggressive cleaning that was done two (2) weeks prior to the close. She also pointed out the idea of emergency paid leave (FFCRA) and the unknown impact it may have. She stated there is also the possible expense of paying workers, if we do serve meals during April vacation, because they do not typically work. These are items, she stated, for the Committee Members to keep on their radar as we go forward. Dr. Charochak reported in regards to vendor payments, she stated that they are getting much guidance from the state and the commissioner but that it is a local decision. The DESE recommends continued payment and this would include public day students, private day students, who are being provided with remote services, and residential students. She noted that only one of the facilities is closed, which is Perkins, but there are some questions about the day services being provided. Dr. Charochak stated her recommendation is that we continue these payments, because if we discontinue, we could lose those spots. Dr. Charochak stated that the other item is hourly wages, remarking that the committee voted to continue paying through April 6, 2020, but now the extended closure is through May 4, 2020. Her recommendation was to continue paying them (transportation, cafeteria, crossing guards, and lunch monitors). These are not action items as this time but to keep in mind. B. School Choice Discussion * (BevCam 20:59) Dr. Charochak stated that the School Committee is required to vote on the number of slots, if they are going to extend school choice into next year, by May 1, 2020. Dr. Charochak went over the parameter numbers, which, in the past, was ten (10) slots Kindergarten through Grade 8, and fifteen (15) slots Grades 9 through 12. Dr. Charochak reviewed the current numbers, openings for the 2020 -2021 school year and request. She noted that there are not a lot of openings for 2020 -2021. Dr. Charochak answered many questions from school committee members (BevCam 25:16) Ms. Abell asked if it was prudent to close off some of the younger grades and only offer ten (10) seats instead of fifteen (15) at the high school. Dr. Charochak stated that Grades 7 and 8 are at capacity, she remarked that we have very large classes going up to the high school so dropping the seats from fifteen (15) to ten (10) might be helpful but in the scheme of things five (5) students is not very many. She stated kindergarten numbers were not of concern right now, at 330, and stated they're anticipating it going to 350 when we open. We try not to go over 22 /per class and also try to keep as many students, as there is room for, at their home school. Ms. Visnick asked, given the bubble with kindergarten this year, is there a plan to move some of those kindergarten teachers up to Grade 1 next year. Dr. Charochak stated that they already know that they will need to add two (2) first grade classrooms, possibly three (3) but, she stated, if kindergarten numbers come in lower, they could move some of those teachers up to Grade 1. Ms. Robinson remarked, something to keep in mind, knowing where the economy is right now there may be parents, Beverly residents, that are planning on sending their students to private schools but, now, maybe changing minds and may choose to send them to public schools. Ms. Abell asked if any members of the School Committee would entertain a motion or would they want to hold off for now to give it further thought. Ms. Visnick remarked on the balance between income and class size and the need to be prepared for serious difficult budget conversations. She stated she would like to delay this discussion /vote until they have more tangible numbers at the next meeting. Ms. Ferretti asked Dr. Charochak if waiting until the next meeting would allow enough time, while also being mindful of the families trying to plan the next academic year. Dr. Charochak stated we need to have a School Committee vote by May 1st, letters notifying families would not go out until June 1, 2020. She stated she could provide more information for the Committee at the April 8, 2020 meeting and the vote could be taken at that time. Mr. Mullady requested hearing from Ms. Sherburne on the financial implications. Ms. Sherburne reiterated the $5,000 /per student revenue, but said we could wait on a decision /vote until the April 8th meeting. Ms. Abell stated at this time the committee will table this and give it more consideration and will put it on the April 8, 2020 agenda. C. Student Opportunity Act Plan (SOA) Discussion* (BevCam 40:24) Dr. Charochak apologized for getting this information to the Committee an hour before the meeting. She reported they had been told there would be an extension on submission of the SOA plan, but found out this afternoon that the legislature took the Governor's Emergency Act Bill apart and the SOA didn't make it through. Dr. Charochak stated she is presenting the draft tonight and if the Committee members have any questions they can make adjustments. Dr. Charochak went over the short form application, she outlined the four (4) commitments, and the budget. Dr. Charochak stated the last step is to certify that the School Committee has seen the application, the Committee needs to vote on what is being proposed and then to submit it by April 1, 2020. Ms. Abell stated she believed this was consistent with what they, as a Committee, had discussed and asked the members if they had any questions on the SOA or how the monies would be funded. Ms. Abell stated she would entertain a motion to approve the recommendation and budget that Dr. Charochak will submit to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to approve the Student Opportunity Act Plan (SOA). Ms. Ferretti seconded the motion. Ms. Visnick questioned, on the budget, item #3 stating she thought it was $150,000, Dr. Charochak stated and Dr. Flaherty concurred that it was $120,000. Mr. Mullady asked how many School Adjustment Counselors (SAC) there are at the middle school and what their caseload size is. Mr. Conant provided a breakdown with 360 students in Grade 7 and stated with some of those students accessing the student support program, the SAC, for Grade 7, would probably see about 300 students. Ms. Abell reiterated the motion to accept the recommendations of Dr. Charochak for the short form, Student Opportunity Act plan, and to submit it to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education by the due date of April 1, 2020 by roll call vote. Roll Call Vote: Ms. Coelho - Yes Mr. Mullady - not ready to vote - Abstain Ms. Robinson - Abstain Ms. Ferretti - Yes Ms. Visnick - Questioned what the Committee's procedural options would be for putting this on hold, could it be tabled? Ms. Visnick also commented on the deadline and stated she would vote Yes. Ms. Abell - Yes Mayor Cahill - Yes Roll call resulted in 5 in the affirmative, 2 abstained, motion passed 5:2. C. Extended Closure (BevCam 1:03:40) Dr. Charochak provided an update on Beverly Keeps Learning; she remarked receiving a lot more guidance from the state. She stated they have had a successful launch and the platform continues to grow, commenting that the teachers have really stepped up. Dr. Charochak remarked that this is a national health emergency and everything we are doing is about the safety of students and staff and she expressed how proud she is of all the work that has been done. Dr. Charochak remarked that they are aware that this crisis will disproportionately affect our most vulnerable students and families and the principals have been very focused on equity for all. She stated that they are not trying to replicate a school day, through this remote learning, but to create some normalcy. Dr. Charochak reported with the extension of the school closure the need to make sure what we are sending out is meaningful and productive. She stated that the guidance from DESE is to plan for half the length of a regular school day and to reinforce skills taught in school. Dr. Charochak stated that April 6th is the date we hope to see us transition into deeper learning and new content. Ms. Visnick asked why the April 6th date and Dr. Charochak reported her meetings with the North Shore Superintendents Roundtable and wanting to be cohesive as a region and to make sure they were putting together a plan that values staff. Mr. Mullady stated he had talked to a couple of parents, as well as his own family, trying to work full -time and help out with the learning at home, stating it's much harder than parents could have anticipated. He stated while he appreciates the talking points that this is not going to substitute time in the classroom, he reiterated how much of a challenge it is to teach half a school day while continuing to work. Mr. Mullady noted that the Home for Little Wanders is offering some free online therapy sessions for parents and students, he said he would like to see these links on our website. Mr. Mullady also noted the challenge with not enough devices as well. Dr. Charochak noted that the device issue is challenging and stated one of the things available to parents is WGBH is a partner with DESE and from noon to 5:00 p.m. they have some television programming available. Dr. Charochak reiterated that nothing is mandatory, everything is optional, and no one is going to be in trouble for not doing the work. She stated that when we hit April 6th, for the upper grades, this will be self- directed learning and also, it will switch to a credit or incomplete. At the elementary level it will not be by the hour, they will have checklists. Ms. Coelho also expressed that it is very hard as she has three (3) kids in three (3) different levels, noting how overwhelmed her middle school student is. Dr. Charochak stated she is glad they are connecting with staff at the schools and it is important for parents to reach out to classroom teachers. Dr. Flaherty stated that this should not be all online learning and they stress this to the principals when they meet. Ms. Visnick acknowledged people pinging her on her cell phone during the meeting, as well as hearing from many of her neighbors. She remarked on the difficulties especially at the elementary and middle school level adding that it is socially harder at the high school level. Ms. Ferretti stated hearing a lot of praise for the teachers, staff, and administrators, but also concerned that when we come back from this the kids will be all over the map. Dr. Flaherty stated that they are very aware that the students will come back in different places and will need additional support. She stated the focus this week is to try to make sure we know if kids need help /are they okay and the top priority is making a connection with every kid. Ms. Robinson stated for the past two (2) weeks, teachers have been trying hard to connect and they are doing a great job. She stated it is a learning curve and it will get easier as we get more direction. Ms. Abell noted that the Committee had committed to paying hourly wages through April 6, 2020 and there is a School Committee meeting scheduled for April 8, she asked Dr. Charochak if she needed action from the Committee at this time. Dr. Charochak stated barring any other direction, we can continue as directed and revisit on April 8th. Ms. Visnick stated she believes if we did not vote tonight there would be a gap. Ms. Sherburne stated we have weekly and bi- weekly payrolls. Ms. Abell stated she would like to make a motion that we extend the sentiments of our prior March 18, 2020 vote to encompass the May 4, 2020, new date the Governor has put forth as all schools being closed. The motion was seconded by Ms. Visnick and passed by a roll call vote. Roll Call Vote: Ms. Coelho - Yes Ms. Robinson- Yes Mr. Mullady - Yes Ms. Visnick - Yes Ms. Ferretti - Yes Mayor Cahill - Yes Ms. Abell - Yes This vote extends through the current May 4, 2020 closure to continue paying our hourly staff and long term subs. Lunch Program (BevCam 1:38:06) Dr. Charochak stated the Lunch program is taking place at three (3) locations and distribution is happening twice a week to cut back on staff contact. The lunches are offered at BHS, 10:30 -12:30 Tuesday and Friday as well as Apple Village and Holcroft Park. Ms. Leal reported feeding between 260 -300 students. Dr. Charochak stated that Christina Leal and her lunch staff have been amazing. We also implemented some volunteers at the remote sites and in the cafe, and we are working with the Y donating any lunches that are not given out. Ms. Abell asked about the vendors supplying healthy food. Ms. Leal stated they have not had any issues with deliveries, but noted a potential milk shortage. She stated the DESE is willing to change the guidelines to substitute juice for milk. Ms. Leal stated she is getting a self - stable milk delivery on Thursday. SPED Services (BevCam 1:42:19) Dr. Charochak stated at the last meeting Ms. Splansky reported some things we were being cautious about SPED and the remote learning situation. Ms. Splansky stated that at the time we were given guidance that for the short term school closure, this was considered a period of non - instruction for all students and because of this we had no obligation with regard to our Special Education students. Ms. Splansky stated since the formal shift, there is now a new expectation for remote learning and all students must be receiving an education, and the district must provide FAPE, while protecting the health and safety of students, educators, and service providers. Ms. Splansky went over the two (2) models of remote services that are required and how we are providing them. 5. School Committee Chair Updates A. Northshore Education Consortium (NEC) Articles of Agreement * (BevCam 1:45:15) Ms. Abell reported that the School Committee is required to vote to approve the changes to the Northshore Education Consortium (NEC) Articles of Agreement for July 1, 2020. Ms. Abell outlined the three (3) changes made to the agreement. A motion was made by Ms. Abell, that the Beverly Public Schools School Committee apply Ms. Abell's signature, as chair, to this Article of Agreement as of March 30, 2020. The motion was seconded by Ms. Visnick and approved by a roll call vote. Roll Call Vote: Mayor Cahill - Yes Mr. Mullady - Yes Ms. Ferretti - Yes Ms. Abell - Yes Ms. Coelho - Yes Ms. Robinson - Yes Ms. Visnick - Yes Motion passed 7:0. B. Suspend Policy DK (Payment Procedures) on Signing Warrants * (BevCam 1:49:47) Ms. Abell reported that when the Committee did their policy work in September 2016, Mike Gilbert from the Massachusetts Association of School Committees noted that Beverly's policy was more strict than needed. Ms. Abell stated that they decided as a committee to keep some of the elements anyways. Ms. Abell stated she would like to propose that the Committee use their ability to suspend this policy, DK - Payment Procedures, during this COVID -19 closure. She requested that they use only one (1) School Committee member to sign the warrants, before they are presented to the City, referencing MGL: 41:56. A motion was made by Ms. Visnick, that the School Committee vote to suspend Policy DK - Payment Procedures. Ms. Visnick stated she would like to include an end date of when school reopens, so that we comply with MGL, one signer from the school committee at least once per month. The motion was seconded by Ms. Coelho and passed by roll call vote. Roll Call Vote: Ms. Visnick - Yes Ms. Ferretti - Yes Ms. Coelho - Yes Ms. Robinson - Yes Ms. Abell - Yes Mayor Cahill - Yes Mr. Mullady - Yes Motion passed 7:0. Ms. Abell stated they would need one person to do the signing, Tuesday mornings. Ms. Ferretti stated she would be able to do the signing. Ms. Abell stated that Ms. Ferretti could set up a schedule with Ms. Sherburne. C. Fees Discussion * (BevCam 1:55:30) Ms. Abell stated that there are many concerns with regards to fees and that some School Committee members also have students paying fees for a number of different activities. Ms. Abell also talked about the possible conflict of interest, as it relates to the Committee Members, with the votes that may need to be taken. She also talked about the possibility of consulting with their attorney to advise as far as the need for necessity rule. Ms. Sherburne provided a review of the fees that she and Dr. Charochak had put together. Ms. Sherburne noted hearing from other districts that they are not collecting fees during this closure. Ms. Sherburne reviewed the following information noting the first number is through May 1, 2020 and the second would be through the end of the year: Kindergarten tuition fee $68,798 - $142,183, Preschool $14,352 - $29,661, Transportation $33,990 - $70,246, noting that on all of these we would have to track what people have paid to date. Ms. Sherburne said the question is would we refund or apply it to the next fiscal year. She stated this would be a cumbersome process because they would need to create a vendor number for each returned check. Ms. Sherburne stated hearing that most districts, at this time, are not providing refunds. Last on the list was the breakfast and lunch revenues - loss of paid meals and Spring sports - covers officials and coaches stipends. At this time, Ms. Abell stated it would behoove the committee to have conversations with regards to which fees, and the practicality of the business office being able to sort through, to tell us, who has paid up to date, who's prepaid, who is on a scholarship, who has multiples fees being paid and also services provided to the kindergarten students, etc. Ms. Visnick noted this is the beginning of multiple difficult conversations and she stated that she didn't think we could /should charge for the first three (3) items because we are not delivering those services. Ms. Abell asked Ms. Sherburne if there is an offset on fuel or other items to make it more comfortable. Ms. Sherburne stated that the fees collected are going towards the drivers salaries. She remarked that there will, most likely, be a reduction in fuel cost but was not sure what that amount would be. Ms. Abell asked what it will cost our district in administrative overhead for the families that really need this figure out, if there could be an opt -in or opt -out way. Ms. Abell asked, if as a Committee, would they want to make a motion to stop people from paying from beyond the March 13 date and delay the prorate or reimbursement till the last day of school. Ms. Ferretti disclosed she had paid a fee for spring sports, and had heard from other parents concerned that they had also paid fees. Ms. Ferretti stated there are two platforms, reimbursement if the season is not to be, or if or when we do return some of these seasons could be played in a partial way and some parents may not want their child to play. Ms. Coelho stated she had paid for spring soccer but received a communication they may delay the season until summer or a credit for the following spring. Ms. Abell said for youth sports they are paid outside of the district. Ms. Sherburne stated if anyone sent in a check those checks have been held. The only refunds issued would be for people that would have made an online payment. Mr. Keefe stated that the rule actually reads as long as the student athlete has not played in a contest they would receive a refund. Ms. Visnick suggested taking these items separately in order to lessen the potential conflict, consider the first two bullets on the side, then those with kindergarten and preschool students could recuse themselves and still have enough members to take a vote and so on. Ms. Abell made a motion that the Beverly Public Schools School Committee advise our Superintendent and Business Office to address prorated or rebated fees prepaid for full -day kindergarten and preschool, for days of closure, for the response to Covid19 in the FY20 School year. The motion was seconded by Mayor Cahill and approved by a roll call vote. Roll Call Vote: Ms. Coelho - Yes Ms. Robinson - Yes Mr. Mullady - Abstain Ms. Ferretti - Yes Ms. Abell - Yes Ms. Visnick - Yes Mayor Cahill - Yes 6 - Yes: 1 Abstained, motion passed 6:1. Ms. Visnick stated that Ms. Sherburne had talked about not collecting fees as we rolled forward. Ms. Abell stated that was a separate issue and asked if the members want to give direction on that and on any outstanding fee. Ms. Sherburne stated that is the question they are getting often and based on how you voted Ms. Sherburne stated she assumes they don't have to pay. Ms. Abell asked how they would advise parents. Dr. Charochak suggested that they suspend preschool and kindergarten payments and they will provide more guidance when school opens. Ms. Abell made a motion to suspend the full -day and preschool payments, awaiting further guidance because of the closure due to COVID 19. The motion was seconded by Kimberley Coelho and passed by roll call vote. Roll Call Vote: Ms. Robinson - Yes Ms. Coelho - Yes Ms. Ferretti - yes Ms. Visnick - Yes Mr. Mullady - Yes Mayor Cahill - Yes Ms. Abell - Yes Motion passes 7:0. Ms. Abell stated that we have a motion to direct the Superintendent and the Business Office to address prorated or rebate fees for transportation paid for the school closure, in response to COVID19 for the FY20 school year. Dr. Charochak stated with regards to transportations, she did not think they needed to make a decision on this tonight and she would like to explore some options, possibly come up with another proposal. Ms. Ferretti asked for a quick tally of how many members utilize transportation. Ms. Abell stated only one or two. Ms. Abell stated Dr. Charochak's point is well taken and it was agreed to table this for now. Athletic Fees Ms. Abell stated that Mr. Keefe pointed out that prior to playing in the first game they would have the option for a refund and the right thing will be done once we know more. Ms. Visnick stated that given that some people might be in financial hardship they may want to ask for that money now and felt something should be put in there for people that may need a refund now. Dr. Charochak stated they could make that request, Ms. Sherburne stated that would have to go through Mr. Keefe and Ms. Zambouras in the Athletic Department. Mayor Cahill asked if, on this particular one, was there a need to take any action, stating if a person decided not to play, their money would be refunded. Ms. Abell asked if the parents who had paid by check should be notified that the check is not being deposited and could Ms. Zambouras do that remotely. Mr. Keefe stated that they have all that information in the office and parents would just need to email them. Dr. Charochak noted one item she had received questions on was the laptop one -to -one payment, she stated that is for next year and the date has been extended for June 1 st. Dr. Charochak stated the only other item on the docket is the coaches fee and that could be taken up at the next meeting. D. Meeting Rescheduling - Joint Council & School Committee Retreat Ms. Abell remarked on the rescheduling of the Joint Council Meeting, the School Committee Retreat, and the Regular School Committee Meeting. She asked if there would be an interest in a remote meeting for the Charter required Joint Council Meeting or the School Committee Retreat Training. Ms. Ferretti stated she would prefer waiting until the meeting could be done in person, at least for the retreat. Ms. Visnick stated, relative to the Joint Council Meeting, the City might appreciate seeing or hearing from the School Committee, noting the need for a different agenda than originally planned. Ms. Abell asked if the rest of the members agreed to have a remote, Joint Council Meeting and should she explore it with City Council President Guanci. Ms. Ferretti stated that they have the option but she did not want to decide this evening. Mayor Cahill stated he felt it was best to be in person with the best case scenario of early May. Mayor Cahill stated he would support either way remote or setting a later date for an in person meeting. Ms. Abell recommended speaking with President Guanci first. She asked if the committee members were in agreement to meet remotely for the Regular School Committee Meeting, on April 8th, stating she would work to pull together the agenda. Ms. Abell stated she would entertain a motion to adjourn. A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to adjourn the remote Committee of the Whole meeting. The motion was seconded by Ms. Coelho and passed by roll call vote. Roll Call Vote: Mayor Cahill - Yes Ms. Ferretti - Yes Ms. Robinson - Yes Mr. Mullady - Yes Ms. Coelho - Yes Ms. Abell - Yes Ms. Visnick - Yes Motion passed 7:0. Meeting adjourned at 9:47 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kelley Ferretti, Secretary Beverly School Committee Documents Reviewed at the meeting: Dr. Charochak's Beverly Public Schools Update Presentation